
Case insensitive search on Sybase

I have been sick and tired Googling the solution for doing case-insensitive search on Sybase ASE (Sybase data/column names are case sensitive). The Sybase documentation proudly says that there is only one way to do such search which is using the Upper and Lower functions, but the adage goes, it has performance problems. And believe me th...

Javascript and why capital letters sometimes work and sometimes don't.

In notepad++, I was writing a javascript file, and something didn't work: an alert had to be shown when a button was clicked, but it wasn't working. I has used the auto-complete plugin provided with Notepad++, which presented me with "onClick". When I changed the capital C to a small c, it did work. So first of all, when looking at th...

Case-insensitive search using Hibernate

I'm using Hibernate for ORM of my Java app to an Oracle database (not that the database vendor matters, we may switch to another database one day), and I want to retrieve objects from the database according to user-provided strings. For example, when searching for people, if the user is looking for people who live in 'fran', I want to be...

Case Sensitivity when querying SQL Server 2005 from .NET using OleDB

I have a query that I'm executing from a .NET application to a SQL Server database and it seems to take quite a while to complete (5+ Minutes). I created a test app in c# to try to see what was talking so long (the query should return quickly). As I was reconstructing the query by adding in elements to see which portion was taking so...

Is SQL syntax case sensitive?

Is SQL case sensitive. I've used MySQL and SQL Server which both seem to be case in-sensitive. Is this always the case? Does the standard define case-sensitivity? ...

Why do people like case sensitivity?

Hi all, Just wondering why people like case sensitivity in a programming language? I'm not trying to start a flame war just curious thats all. Personally I have never really liked it because I find my productivity goes down when ever I have tried a language that has case sensitivity, mind you I am slowly warming up/getting used to it no...

When should an application honor case sensitivity from input?

I recently rolled an application that automatically encrypted a file output from another internal system using PGP and then sftp’d to a foreign target server directory where it was to be consumed by a third-party application. I have been trying to trouble shoot the whole process for about a week and was getting no response from the third...

Is there a way to force case sensitivity in MySQL / Rails for a single find?

I'm doing some searching of tags, and some users like "cat" while others like "Cat" Go figure... Anyways, is there a way to force a particular find to be case sensitive? Such as: Tag.find(:some-special-option-here) Any ideas? ...

Oracle - Select where field has lowercase characters

Hello, I have a table, users, in an Oracle database. Two of the fields are varchar - last_name and first_name. When rows are inserted into this table, the first name and last name fields are supposed to be in all upper case, but somehow some values in these two fields are mixed case. I want to run a query that will show me al...

XML Schema Case Insensitive Enumeration of Simple Type String

I am in need of a case insensitive string enumeration type in my XML schema (.xsd) file. I can get case insensitive by doing the following. <xs:simpleType name="setDigitalPointType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[Oo][Nn]" /> <xs:pattern value="[Oo][Ff][Ff]" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> The only p...

Openbase SQL case-sensitivity oddities ('=' vs. LIKE) - porting to MySQL

We are porting an app which formerly used Openbase 7 to now use MySQL 5.0. OB 7 did have quite badly defined (i.e. undocumented) behavior regarding case-sensitivity. We only found this out now when trying the same queries with MySQL. It appears that OB 7 treats lookups using "=" differently from those using "LIKE": If you have two valu...

How do I determine whether the filesystem is case-sensitive in .net?

Does .net have a way to determine whether the local filesystem is case-sensitive? ...

C# Filepath Recasing

I'm trying to write a static member function in C# or find one in the .NET Framework that will re-case a file path to what the filesystem specifies. Example: string filepath = @"C:\temp.txt"; filepath = FileUtility.RecaseFilepath(filepath); // filepath = C:\Temp.TXT // Where the real fully qualified filepath in the NTFS volume is C:\T...

JPA EntityManager find with case sensitive key

I'm trying to use the JPA EntityManager find() method. My primary key is a string which corresponds to a user's name. I am using JPA / Hibernate / MYSQL. My problem is a search for user 'David' matches user 'david' due, I assume, to the case insensitive string matching in the underlying MYSQL. This causes me a whole heap of problems!...

Why is C# Case Sensitive?

What reasoning exists behind making C# case sensitive? I'm considering switching from VB.NET to take advantage of some language features (CCR and yield), and understanding the reasoning behind this difference may make the transition easier. [UPDATE] Well I took the plunge three days ago. Learning C# hasn't been particularly hard, I co...

Does sqlserver collation mean column names must be correct case? And how to deal with that...

In SQL Server (2000 or 2005) is it possible to set the database or server collation so that identifier names (tables, columns, etc) need to be in the correct case? If so, is that true of all case-sensitive collations or is it a separate setting? (I've always thought of case-sensitivity applying to data, not to names of objects). Presuma...

Case insensitive Python regular expression without re.compile

In Python, I can compile a regular expression to be case-insensitive using re.compile: >>> s = 'TeSt' >>> casesensitive = re.compile('test') >>> ignorecase = re.compile('test', re.IGNORECASE) >>> >>> print casesensitive.match(s) None >>> print ignorecase.match(s) <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02F0B608> Is there a way to do the same, bu...

Why are many languages case sensitive?

Is it simply a matter of inheritance? C++ was case-sensitive because C was, Java is case-sensitive because C++ is, etc? Or is there a more pragmatic reason behind it? ...

Are SQL stored procedures case sensitive?

for example... ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Reports_Dashboard_Get_Sav] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @startDate datetime, @endDate datetime, @companyID int=null set @days=datediff(m,@startdate,@enddate) if (@days)=0 set @days=1 This is not my code but if this is case sensitive then @days is not...

Is there any advantage of being a case-sensitive programming language?

I personally do not like programming languages being case sensitive. (I know that the disadvantages of case sensitivity are now-a-days complemented by good IDEs) Still I would like to know whether there are any advantages for a programming language if it is case sensitive. Is there any reason why designers of many popular languages ch...