
Is java case sensitive ? If so Why?

Hi This is the question I am still searching for proper answer , this may be basic question but I like to ask here.. I read Java is case sensitive.. I am not confirmed.. If it is case sensitive then what is the specific reason it has been made case sensitive? Thanks.. ...

Is the protocol name in URLs case sensitive ?

Is "hTTp://" the same as "Http://foo.COM" ? I know that Hostnames are not sensitive but path names and query parts are sensitive. ...

Zend: How to fetch record from Database without considering case sensitive ?

I am using Zend Framework. I want to fetch record from database without considering case sensitive. This is my Person Table: Id|Name |Gender|Occupation ----------------------------------- 1 |Naveed|Male |Software Engineer ----------------------------------- 2 |Ali |Male |Software Developer Now If I use the following strings to s...

How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive?

I'm trying to use "contains" case insensitively. I tried using the solution at the following stackoverflow question, but it didn't work: For convenience, the solution is copied here: jQuery.extend( jQuery.expr[':'], { ...

Is actionscript case sensitive?

on(rollover) and on(rollOver) both work,but I'm not sure if it's case sensitive? ...

.htaccess or other URL Case Sensitive

My server is Case Sensitive, and id like to turn it to inSensitive. Example of what I mean is lets say I upload Fruit.php Well then going to this file wont work: but this one will: Is there a way so Fruit.php and fruit.php will work? also with the directories. i.e: /Script/script.php ...

Rails Routes - How to make them case insensitive?

Routes in Ruby on Rails are case sensitive. It seems someone brought this up before, and it has been labeled will not fix. That strikes me as unfortunate, as I don't really see any upside on my own application for routes to be case sensitive, while on th...

Is VB Really Case Insensitive?

I'm not trying to start an argument here, but for whatever reason it's typically stated that VB is case insensitive and C languages aren't (and somehow that is a good thing). But here's my question: Where exactly is VB case insensitive? When I type... Dim ss As String Dim SS As String ...into the VS2008 or VS2010 IDE the second one h...

UTF-8 and upper()

I want to transform UTF-8 strings using built-in functions such as upper() and capitalize(). For example: >>> mystring = "işğüı" >>> print mystring.upper() Işğüı # should be İŞĞÜI instead. How can I fix this? ...

What to do in "Error 404--Not Found" situation created by weblogic URL handling ?

I have a J2EE Struts app deployed on Weblogic 10.3. When clicking on one of the link it throws "Error 404--Not Found" however the same link works fine when the app is deployed on Weblogic 8.1. I have checked there is no change in the JSP code recently and JSP is copied correctly in the application directory. Please advise what I am miss...

Is NAnt .build file case sensitive?

Are the keywords used for project, target, task, function, ... in NAnt build files case sensitive or not? ...

Is there any way to do a case-insensitive IN query in Django?

Nearly every kind of lookup in Django has a case-insensitive version, EXCEPT in, it appears. This is a problem because sometimes I need to do a lookup where I am certain the case will be incorrect. Products.objects.filter(code__in=[user_entered_data_as_list]) Is there anything I can do to deal with this? Have people come up with a ha...

Get rid of case sensitive username in custom membership provider

Hi, I implemented a custom membership provider in MVC, and can't figure out how to make the username non case-sensitive at signin. So, for example, "Solomon" could log in, but "solomon" could not. My implementation is very bare bones. I basically just wrote code for ValidateUser(), and Change Password(). Thanks for the help!...

UISearch bar case insensitive?

In a table view I have set a UISearchBar, set the delegate, and add the protocol. When user tap a word everything is okay except that the search of "tennis" is different from "Tennis". How can I make the search bar a case-insensitive UISearchBar? Here is my code where I think evrything happens: - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)search...

Mysql query are case sensitive?

When i set lower_case_table_names = 1 in mysql i know that it converts every table name to lowecase so "myCoolLowerCaseName" becomes "mycoollowercasename". But the question is: queries with camelcase name works ? with a table called mycoollowercasename the query:SELECT * FROM myCoolLowerCaseName works? Thanks ...

How to add lowercase field to NSURLRequest header field?

I'm getting pretty frustrated figuring out how to add a lowercase header field to an NSMutableURLRequest. NSMutableURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:MyURLString]]; [urlRequest setValue:@"aValue" forHTTPHeaderField:@"field"]; In the example above, "field" gets switched to "Field," since...

How to equal two strings case sensitively in Linq to SQL?

How to equal two strings case sensitively in Linq to SQL (in a where query)? Thanks. ...

Using Linq-To-SQL I'm getting some weird behavior doing text searches with the .Contains method. Looking for Help or Thoughts on what I am doing wrong.

I have a table, where I need to do a case insensitive search on a text field. If I run this query in LinqPad directly on my database, it works as expected Table.Where(tbl => tbl.Title.Contains("StringWithAnyCase")) // also, adding in the same constraints I'm using in my repository works in LinqPad // Table.Where(tbl => tbl.Title.Contai...

OS-related strtr problem

I have this funtion that converts all special chars to uppercase: function uc_latin1($str) { if(!defined("LATIN1_UC_CHARS")) define("LATIN1_UC_CHARS", "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ"); if(!defined("LATIN1_LC_CHARS")) define("LATIN1_LC_CHARS", "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüý"); $str = strtoupper ( strtr ( $str,...

Can I force MySql table name case sensitivity on file systems that aren't case sensitive

So our target environment is linux, making mysql case-sensitive by default. I am aware that we can make our linux environment not case sensitive with the lower_case_table_names variable, but we would rather not. We have a few times been bitten with a case mismatch because our dev rigs are OSX, and mysql is not case sensitive there. Is...