I'm doing some searching of tags, and some users like "cat" while others like "Cat" Go figure...
Anyways, is there a way to force a particular find to be case sensitive? Such as:
Any ideas?
I'm doing some searching of tags, and some users like "cat" while others like "Cat" Go figure...
Anyways, is there a way to force a particular find to be case sensitive? Such as:
Any ideas?
In the mysql database, set your text's data type to utf_collate_bin. For example:
ALTER TABLE `sets` CHANGE `set_name` `set_name` VARCHAR( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL
Where 'sets' is the table, 'set_name' is the column of type VARCHAR(64). You can also do this in PhpMyAdmin..
Any binary collate will do the job; but utf8 is preferable.
If you were wondering what the _ci at the end of your current collate is, it means "Case Insensitive" :p
You can also do a case-sensitive search without changing your column properties.
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE myfield='Value'
This query matches
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE BINARY myfield='Value'
machtes only
You can make all strings case sensitive when you create the table by adding "COLLATE utf8_bin" to the :options string when creating the table. For example:
create_table( "page_infos", :force => true, :options => "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin") do |t|
t.string "title", :limit => 120