
Get all tweets that are all caps

Using the Twitter API, how would you retrieve all updates that are in all CAPS? ...

Suggestions on fixing peoples names so they are capitalised correctly

Users of our website often type in a lot of garbage for the name and address information. eg, all CAPS, all lower case etc. It looks a lot better if we fix the case for them, but can anyone suggest a good way of doing this. A simple approach is just to capitalise each word in their name, but this fails when dealing with some names. Her...

Linq to SQL case sensitivity causing problems

I've seen this question, but that's asking for case-insensitive comparisons when the database is case-sensitive. I'm having a problem with the exact opposite. I'm using SQL Server 2005, my database collation is set to Latin1_General_CI_AS. I've got a table, "User", like this: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[User] ( [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT N...

Sentence normalization

I'm running a site that allows users to make comments, and most of them are highly uneducated and cannot use proper punctuation, capitalization, and etc. I'm looking for some sort of function that will take their garbage text, and make it look nice. For example: before: this is a test. i LIKE PIE after: This is a test. I like pie. ...

How can I invert the case of a String in Java?

I want to change a String so that all the uppercase characters become lowercase, and all the lower case characters become uppercase. Number characters are just ignored. so "AbCdE123" becomes "aBcDe123" I guess there must be a way to iterate through the String and flip each character, or perhaps some regular expression that could do it....

.NET HttpSessionState Case Insensitivity

.NET's HttpSessionState using an "InProc" store seems to treat session variable key values as case insensitive. For example: session["foo"] = 1; session["Foo"] = 2; Trace.Write(session["foo"].ToString()); // => 2 This behavior appears to be undocumented, so I'm wondering if it is simply a side-effect of the underlying session store me...

How to avoid FileNotFound exception when running Java on Linux because of case sensitiveness?

My web application runs on Windows. I would like to run my app on Linux also. I seem to have overcome most of the problems such as path separator, etc. Real problem now is I get FileNotFoundException when the Java code tries to open a file say Abc.txt when only abc.txt exists. :( I can't go on changing all the filenames to lowercase o...

Is it possible for lxml to work in a case-insensitive manner?

I'm trying to scrape META keywords and description tags from arbitrary websites. I obviusly have no control over said website, so have to take what I'm given. They have a variety of casings for the tag and attributes, which means I need to work case-insensitively. I can't believe that the lxml authors are as stubborn as to insist on full...

Differences case sensitivity in SELECT COLUMN and COUNT, mysql?

Okay, I am abit confusing here. In my database I have 5 rows of this data => "[email protected]" (all lower case), and This is my code, Query 1 (I am using php and mysql): $str = '[email protected]'; $sel = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE `column` = '{$str}'"); $num = mysql_num_ro...

Reverse of os.path.normcase on Windows

Is there a simple way to get the "real" case sensitive path from a all lower case path. Like the reverse of os.path.normcase. For example, consider the directory: c:\StackOverFlow If I have the following snippet, how to obtain d_real? >>> import os >>> d = os.path.normcase('C:\\StackOverFlow') # convert to lower case >>> d 'c:\\stac...

Runtime bugs due to case-sensitivity in (variable) names.

We recenly had a problem ( where there was a runtime bug which could have been due to case-sensitivity in (variable) names and was OS-dependent. This was in ANTLR but I am wondering more generally whe...

Can mysql-database save strings casesensitive, like UNIX?

Is it possible to store "Filename" and "filename" in a mysql-database? ...

Is there a way to enforce case sensitivity of the names of files in a VB.Net project?

Question says it all. Is there a way to enforce case sensitivity in VB.Net file-names? If so, how! The primary issue that I am trying to solve is the difference in how Windows doesn't care about the case of a file-name, but other tools, like Subversion, do care about the case of a file-name ...

Should HTTP ETags be case sensitive?

I'm creating a library for handling client caching over HTTP on a web server (i.e., handling of If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, and If-Unmodified-Since HTTP headers), and I'm working on ETags (entity tags) at the moment. My question is should ETags be case sensitive, or case insensitive? I've been looking over RFC 2616 (http:...

Anyone had success using a specific locale for a PostgreSQL database so that text comparison is case-insensitive?

I'm developing an app in Rails on OS X using PostgreSQL 8.4. I need to setup the database for the app so that standard text queries are case-insensitive. For example: SELECT * FROM documents WHERE title = 'incredible document' should return the same result as: SELECT * FROM documents WHERE title = 'Incredible Document' Just...

Case sensitive find in Rails

I'm using Mysql with collation utf8_general_ci and for most of my searches it is good. But for one model and one field I want to find a record with case sensitive. How to do it? ...

Is field and table name case sensitive in MySQL?

If I have field names called category_id and Category_Id, are they different? And if I have table name called category and Category, are they different? ...

How to use case sensitivity in instr() in MySQL?

Possible duplicate: How to apply wildcard in instr() in MySQL? The possible duplicate linked shows a query which is exactly like my current one sort of. However, I cannot find a way to make it a case sensitive match. :\ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE INSTR(flags, 'T') > 0; I get a count of 46 which is obviously wrong. It's counting...

Any kind of way of detecting case-sensitve filename errors?

Hello, we are making a project to run in ASP.Net on Mono/*nix Our problem is that we develop on Windows, and we just build and test it every so often on Mono. So we have been having a lot of trouble recently with case sensitive filenames. Everything seems to work good in Windows and then we move to Mono and it's silently broken.(as in,...

Wrap text - case insensitive with php

If I search for tOm ArNfElD and the $variable is "Tom Arnfeld", I get great results form LIKE in MySQL (which is case-insensitive). How could I wrap the matched text in the $variable with a <span></span> to highlight to what part of the search matched the query? I need to retain the original case of the $variable. ...