



I'm using Mysql with collation utf8_general_ci and for most of my searches it is good. But for one model and one field I want to find a record with case sensitive. How to do it?


If you always want to search that column in a case sensitive manner, the best thing would be to define it with collation utf8_bin

Roland Bouman
How can I do it?
+2  A: 

It is MySQL that is doing the case insensitive query, not Ruby on Rails.


You could make database columns, that require case sensitivity to be case sensitive

  1. Modify fields to be BINARY or VARBINARY instead of CHAR and VARCHAR.
  2. Modify fields to have binary collation (e.g. latin1_bin)


 create table tbl_name (
    data varchar COLLATE latin1_bin

Or you can modify your queries to use COLLATE operator:

SELECT * from tbl_name WHERE col_name COLLATE latin1_bin LIKE 'a%'

Juha Syrjälä
Yes, I know, but I want to find it in rails with case sensitive when all other searches are case insensitive
I know how to do it in MySql. I was asking how to do it in Rails. I already did it with Model.find_by_sql but I'm looking for cleaner solution.
Basically either mysql uses datatypes for columns that have case sensitive property or SELECT query forces matching to be case sensitive. Ruby-on-rails does not affect the former and I do not know any other way to do the latter than using Model.find_by_sql
Juha Syrjälä