I recently rolled an application that automatically encrypted a file output from another internal system using PGP and then sftp’d to a foreign target server directory where it was to be consumed by a third-party application. I have been trying to trouble shoot the whole process for about a week and was getting no response from the third-party until this morning in an email....
“Turns out, the file is named incorrectly so the system didn’t think you submitted it. There was a capital “T” that should have been lower cased.”
Ok. After an aggravated sigh (since nobody else has access to that directory and no other files named in a similar fashion), I started to wonder, “When should an application honor case sensitivity from user input outside of passwords?” I am running through my brain here trying to think of a time when I would want "fileName" and "FileName" to mean something different intentionally.
I am not talking about in-application variable naming conventions here, btw. I'm actually very much for case-sensitive in-language.