
Drag/Size Handle implementation

I'm looking for drag/size handle implementations or explanations. Perhaps I'm using the wrong nomenclature, but I mean the "handles" that appear around an object (mostly in drawing programs) when you select it and want to perform an operation on that object such as rotate, size, scale, etc... Can anyone point me to an OSS implementatio...

Jquery ui, call start drag manually

In Jquery UI I can configure an element as draggable by invoking $("#drag").draggable(); But is there a way to start and stop the drag functions manually from another function? Ie someOtherFunction = function() { $("#drag").startdrag(); } yetAnotherFunction = function() { $("#drag").stopdrag(); } ...

Java (Swing) - Drag two windows at once.

How can I have one window move with another? i.e., I'd like a JDialog to follow a JFrame when the JFrame is being dragged. If the JFrame moves by (+5, +20), the JDialog needs to move the same. I've tried using ComponentListeners, but I only receive drag events in chunks which causes the JDialog window to be jumpy while dragging the ma...

Flex: Duplicating instance of an image

I have a drag and drop handler in my Flex application. The drag proxy, or the 'ghost' image to be displayed while dragging, must be loaded before I drag, and that takes some time. How can I make it load immediately or preload? One solution is to duplicate the image, but as far as I know, image objects can't be duplicated without creating...

Drag a WPF Form around the desktop

Hi, i am trying to make a c# WPF form where i can drag it around the screen by clicking on it and moving with the mouse. the forms characteristics include being completely transparent and containing only one image. This being said the window style is none and it is not displayed in the taskbar. So essentially all you can see when the app...

Trigger Mouse Dragging in jQuery UI

Using jQuery 1.2.x and jQuery UI 1.5.x, one was able to trigger dragging manually like so: jQuery("#myDiv").mousedown(function(ev) { target = jQuery(ev.target); if (target.hasClass("drag-me")) { target.draggable({ helper: "clone", start: function() { console.log("drag start"); }, stop: function() { jQuery(this).dragga...

Delphi Form Drag Lockup

Make a Delphi 2007 application, TForm as main window. Run application. Try to drag the form using the caption bar. The debugger shows an unending stream of error messages, complaining it can't find some unnamed routine. Escape and Break don't work. 3 finger salute doesn't work. Clicking in some other window and then back to the Delph...

Delphi & Vista Dragging Forms Glitch

I wondered if you have a work around for the problems with docking forms in Vista, such as the close button being partially obscured, and the gray border when being dragged rendering extremely slow, making a appearing / disappearing appearance? Delphi 2007 & Vista (64 bit) ...

problem: Window.setCanDragReposition(true); how to make the widget can only be draged within the browser.

now, the window widget can be drag out of the browser and part of it will be invisiable. how can I solve this problem to make it can only be draged to somewhere in the browser.so the situationof Window.getLeft() = -100 should not be allowed. Thanx! ...

Drag rectangle on JFrame in Java

I want to draw rectangle based on mousedrag event. if user dragging the mouse, then the rectangle on the applet should increase or decrease basing on current mouse coordinates. i have the following code. in the following code i am using SelectionArea class which extends a canvas on which i am performing drawing operation. i am using ima...

Conflicting startDrags

Flash CS4, AS2 I'm making a tour with a map. I'm using this startDrag code to move the map around: menu.onPress = function() { this.startDrag(); }; menu.onRelease = function() { stopDrag(); }; This works perfectly. However, inside the "menu" movieclip I am using a hover tag startDrag code: EllisIsland._visible=false;{} Ell...

jquery drag element

Hi All, i have a problem that i cant understand what to pass in the draagable function to make an elemnt draagable. I want to make my draggable through its id test. Can anyone tell me how to do this. Code Sample normal_tag11=' <div style="position:fixed" id="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy'+count1+'" class ="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy" >'+ 'Normal D...

Slow Canvas Element

Hi Using the Canvas element, I draw a line from one element to another element Another element is draggable, and when dragging the element the line follows the draggable element. My problem is that the rendering apears slow (Fx 3.5 on a Mac PowerBook) I think I have seen much better performance in Canvas before Anyone with Canvas exp...

How do you recognize drag gestures

Hi, I have several buttons in my view built using IB. Each button triggers a short audio sound. I want to be able to drag my finger over them to trigger them... just like you are dragging your finger over piano keys (don't worry I am not making a piano app) I cant figure out how to recognize a touch outside the button and then inside ...

Manual drag-drop operations in Flex

This is a two-part problem: A) I'm implementing several irregular drag-drop operations in Flex (e.g. DataGrid ItemRenderer into Tree). My preference was modifying DragManager operations to meet my needs, and in fact using DragManager allows me to do everything I need, but I'm having serious issues with performance. For example, draggin...

QT4 Drag Window Without Title Bar

The application I'm working on has a custom UI that required me to remove the title bar from the main window. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to make it so I can move the application on the screen :) The code I have which is removing the title bar is the following: MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent...

Which API can be used to _capture_ the mouse when moving OS X "Carbon" windows?

On request I have implemented support for moving an OS X window by dragging it using an area within the content part of the window, i.e replicating the drag and move functionality of the title bar but in another area. The problem I have yet to resolve is the fact that if the user drags the mouse quickly it can leave the window area and...

WPF - how to best implement a panel with draggable/zoomable children?

I'm trying to modify the default graph viewer of the Graph# library because its user interface is awful (just try dragging a node outside of the boundaries, you'll see!) The basic setup is this: there is a GraphCanvas control (inherited from Panel) which has children of Vertex and Edge control types. What I want to achieve is: GraphCa...

Two divs 50% each. Make middle draggable to make bigger or smaller

Alright everyone, is there a way to have 2 divs taking up 50% of the screen and have a bar in the middle so you can drag it and make the left 40% and the right 60% and vice versa. I hope to be able to do this jquery. ...

[jQuery] Resizable DIV only horizontally

I need a plugin to resize a DIV vertically just use jQuery ( not jq UI ). here is a sample of the HTML : <div class="wrapper" style="width:300px; height:300px; padding:50px; border:1px solid black;"> <div class="resizable" style="height:300px; width:150px; background:green;float:left"> TEST TEST </div> <div clas...