
Expand Rectangle Report Item as the Report expands in SSRS

Hi I have a SSRS report. I am using a rectangular to display textbox values in my report header. My data region is having a table which expands according to the input parameter selection. How do i expand my rectangle in length in accordance with the table. Please get me an idea. Thanks in advance, Anna ...

Stacking rectangles to into the most square-like arrangement possible

My Situation I have a N rectangles The rectangles all have the same shape (for example 2 inches wide x 1 inch tall) - Let's refer to this size as Sw and Sh for the width and height I want to position these rectangles in a grid such that the rects completely on top and next to each other - like what you would see in a spreadsheet What ...

WPF Shape Rectangle Binding

Hi Guys. I'm trying to make some kind of shape in wpf, which does resize itself to the content (which should be text). Unfortunately, the stretch property isn't the right thing, since I want only the width of the Shape resized and without the borders (pls copy bottom example in xamlpad to see for yourself) of this shape stretched. The bo...

Algorithm to merge adjacent rectangles into polygon

I guess that my problem is related to "convex hull", but no the same. All shapes in the drawing are rectangles with same width and height. Many are adjacent to each other. I want to combine those adjacent rectangles into polygons. Unlike "convex hull", the resuled polygons could be "hollow" inside. Is there any open source algorithm av...

make NSRect selectable.

Is there a simple way to create a selectable NSRect in Cocoa? In need a rectangle that can be selected and stays selected after a mouse click. Thanks. ...

How do I reverse the direction that my rectangles travel?

I am very new at programming as it was only just introduced into my school as a subject and I need some help. I have been given the task to have an animation of three balls (rectangle images) bouncing around the screen and off each other. I have the three balls and the bouncing of the walls all down good, but I don't know how to have the...

How to modify the tool rect of a CToolTipCtrl?

This question is related to this one. In a CDockablePane derived class I have a CTreeCtrl member for which I add a ToolTip in OnCreate(): int CMyPane::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CDockablePane::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; const DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | W...

What would be a good variable name for a rectangle the describes an objects position and size?

The title is fairly self-explanatory, but I'll reiterate: What would be a good variable name for a rectangle that describes an objects position and size. EDIT - The object is a paddle for a Pong-like game, and there is already a rectangle named 'bounds' to restrict where the paddle can be moved to. I ended up going with 'bounds' for th...

Open an NSWindow by clicking NSRect in cocoa

In my program I am able to determine whether a mouseclick was made within a certain NSRect. How can I open a new NSWindow by clicking this NSRect? ...

Calculating the area(s) of a rectangle that aren't being overlapped

I've got two rectangles represented by structures that contain the x1, y1, x2, y2 coordinates. One rectangle can be considered the parent, another the child. I already know how to detect if the child rectangle is within the parent rectangle; what I'm trying to figure out now is the simplest, fastest way to determine the rectangular area...

Beginner iphone question: drawing a rectangle. What am I doing wrong?

Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. Have tried several things, but I never see that elusive rectangle on the screen. Right now, that's all I want to do -- just draw a single rectangle on the screen. I'm getting an "invalid context" on everything but the CGContextSetRGBFillColor(). Getting the context after that seems kind...

Are rectangles fixed height in RDLC reports?

I have an RDLC report with a sub-report that I want to be A4 paper in height. The number of rows in the sub-report may vary, so I placed the sub-report in a rectangle so that if the sub-report is short the rest of my report doesn't shrink. - According to the documentation rectangles are fixed size. This works fine when I show the report...

Given an angle and dimensions, find a coordinate along the perimeter of a rectangle

I'm writing a script where icons rotate around a given pivot (or origin). I've been able to make this work for rotating the icons around an ellipse but I also want to have them move around the perimeter of a rectangle of a certain width, height and origin. I'm doing it this way because my current code stores all the coords in an array ...

Find the corners of a deformed rectangle

I am trying to make a program that automatically corrects the perspective of a rectangle. I have managed to get the silhouette of the rectangle, and have the code to correct the perspective, but I can't find the corners. The biggest problem is that, because it has been deformed, I can't use the following "code": c1 = min(x), min(y) ...

WPF Rectangle does not have a Click event

It seems that the WPF Rectangle shape does not have the Click event defined. What am I supposed to use instead? It does have MouseUp, but it's not quite the same behavior. ...

How to draw a rectangle on a java applet using mouse drag event and make it stay

I have my program that can draw rectangles. I have two problems I can't solve. After I draw the rectangle it won't stay. The only code I have that clears the canvas in under paint, repaint is only called on mouse drag. Why when I mouse release or mouse move does my canvas clear. The second thing isn't as much a problem, but something I c...

Drag rectangle on JFrame in Java

I want to draw rectangle based on mousedrag event. if user dragging the mouse, then the rectangle on the applet should increase or decrease basing on current mouse coordinates. i have the following code. in the following code i am using SelectionArea class which extends a canvas on which i am performing drawing operation. i am using ima...

WPF: System.Windows.Int32Rect ---> System.Windows.Int32Point?

You know how System.Drawing.Rectangle was replaced by System.Windows.Int32Rect? (As far as non-floating-point shapes are concerned ...) Is there a similar new object for an integer point or size? If not, I'll just use System.Drawing - but that kinda seems like a minor mix of two platforms that ought not to me mixed. Anyway, what do...

How to draw and fill a rounded rectangle in Rebol

How would you draw a Rounded Rectangle in Rebol and fill it with a gradient color ? Can't find any example. Thanks. ...

VB.NET WindowForms Question

Hey, I am looking for a specific custom control. I am drawing some rectangles to my picture box, now I would like to display a tooltip when someone moves his mouse to one of the rectangles, so a hover rectangle-hover event. Does this sound doable at all? If yes, is there anyone that has made such a control already? If no, how would I go...