
Get correct bounds for navigationItem.titleView layoutSubviews

I have a subclass of UIView that I've added to as the titleView of a navigationItem using the following line of code: self.navigationItem.titleView = tempview; Easy enough. That works fine. My problem is that this navigationItem sometimes has the rightBarButton updated (sometimes there is no button, sometimes there is one standard siz...

What is the default fontsize, fontname and shadow for titles in Navigation Bar?

I'm trying to have a button on the self.navigationItem.rightButton that toggles a segmented control that is placed in self.navgivationItem.titleView .. this will however remove the title that is first set by self.title when the navbar is created .. I dont know if my approach is bad but I figured I could rotate between a UILabel and the S...

UIViewController custom titleView crashes app

Hi, I have a navigation based iPhone app. When you press on a cell in the tableview a new UIViewController is pushed to the navigation stack. In this view controller I am setting a custom titleView in the viewDidLoad method: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Setup custom navigation title [self setTitle:@"Mediap...

Custom titleView on UINavigationController is animating incorrectly

I'm probably doing something wrong here because this looks a bit stupid. I'm setting up a custom titleView (in the form of a UILabel) on my UINavigationController that is the same on every page. To facilitate this, I've created a function in my app delegate to display the label correctly. I then call this function on any subviews just af...

inputAccessoryView not shown when editing navigation bar titleView

I use a simple inputaccessoryView to display next and previous buttons when a user inputs text in a couple of UITextFields. I have also added a UITextField as the titleView of the navigation bar to allow a user to set a custom title. Everything works great, however the inputaccessoryView is not shown when editing the navigation bar's tit...

UINavigationController does not scale my main UITableView, if the NavigationBar titleitem has a height > 44 px

I have a UITabbarController where I show a UITableViewController. Now I have set a special titleView to replace content of the standard Navigation bar: self.navigationItem.titleView = titleView; My titleView is not only 44 px of height (as seems to be the standard), but it has a 70px height. This is properly displayed. The only problem...