
ASP.NET: TableCell size problem

Hi, I would like to ask why setting the size of a TableCell when dynamically rendering the ASP.NET table does not take in effect? for example: Table table = new Table(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell; cell.Width = 30; cell.Height = 30; row.Cells.Add(cell); //.... 10 more cells table.Rows.Add(row); ...

Duplicate a table row with UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert?

I have an application based on the Core Data Books example, and I'm coming to the conclusion that I need to give the user the ability to duplicate a row in the table - a set of data - and then let them edit this data, rather than always have them create a new record from scratch. I was considering using the UITableViewCellEditingStyleIn...

jquery addClass not working on tablecell

Hi, I need some help with this I am trying to do this if(perc>0){ alert('change backgroundcolor and textcolor'); $('#stocktable tr td:last').addClass('stockhigher'); } but It does not work on a tablecell I also try'd to set the selector like this $('#stocktable tr td:eq(2)).addClass... $('#stocktable tr td.percentage').addClass...

editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath isn't getting called (So a delete button is showing up)

Hello, I'm playing around with moving uitableviewcells, and for whatever reason, - (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingstyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone; //<-- bp set on it } isn't getting called (I've set a breakpoint on it) - ...

UITableViewCell imageView.contentMode doesn't work in 3.0

In UITableViewCellStyleDefault, setting the contentMode on the imageView has no result. If I change my build SDK to version 3.1, everything again works. I don't get any warnings or errors when compiling on 3.0 but this code: cell.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit; cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[[NSSt...

question about tablecell and its contols collection

i have a table (System.Web.UI.WebControls). each row does have three cells. in cells' controls collection i placed some controls TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Font.Bold = false; cell.BackColor = Color.FromName("lightblue"); cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Дата")); ...

How to stop jQuery from returning tabs and spaces from formated code on .html() .val() .text() etc.

I've got an html table: <table><tr> <td>M1</td> <td>M2</td> <td>M3</td> <td>M4</td> </tr></table> and a simple jQ script: $('td').click(function(){ alert( $(this).html() ); }); That works just fine.... but in the real world, I've got several hundred table cells and the code is formatted improperly in places because of several p...

how to use single instance of AVAudioPlayer for playing multiple songs?

I want to play multiple songs with single object of AVAudioplayer, I put songs in table row , when user tap on row player view is open but when user go back in other row in table player play both songs simanteniosly . what I Can do to fix this? ...

Set Server Side OnClick() event Programmatically

I am looking for a way to programmatically set the OnClick event handler for a TableCell object. The ASP equivalent of what I'm trying to do will look like this: <asp:TableCell OnClick="clickHandler" runat="server">Click Me!</asp:TableCell> In the above example, "clickHandler" is a server-side function defined in the .cs CodeBehind. ...

UITableViewCell checkmark change on select

Am I correct in thinking that to change the checkmark for "on" to "off", I must change the CellAccessoryType between none and checkmark on the didSelectRowAtIndexPath? Because I have done this but I have noticed the behaviour is not perfectly identical to like the checkmark cells on the auto lock settings on the iphone. Or is there som...

loading custom view using loadNibNamed showing memory leaks

I have a number of custom table cells and views that I built using interface builder In interface builder, everything is set up similarly. There is a table cell and a couple other UILabels and a background image Object owner if the nib is NSObject Class for the table cell is the name of the class for my table cell Here is how I creat...

IE7 table cells made invisible by CSS cannot be made visible by later class changes (??)

Here are two test files: The markup on those two page is all almost the same. There's a table with two columns. The <th> and <td> elements of one column (the second one) are all given the class "junk". In the "good" page, when you load it you'll ...

WPF Table: Disable editing of a specific cell?

Hello, given a Table with some TableCells (containing a Paragraph) in a rich text box, how can I disable editing of a specific cell? Please Note, that I don't want to disable editing of the whole table / rich text box. Thanks for any hint! ...

How do I get the checkbox value from a specific cell in a table row using jQuery?

I have a table that contains multiple checkboxes in each row. I need to get the value of each individual checkbox. I've been able to do something like the following to retrieve the value of a checkbox in the first column of a table... $('#myTable tbody tr td:first-child input:checkbox').each(function() { if (this.checked) { ...

HTML\CSS: change cell background for hover state with CSS

look at this jsFIDDLE sample i want to change the cell background color for hover state with CSS.. it can be attained through JavaScript but i want to do it with CSS... plus i want the whole cell to act as a link how to do it ...

Placing an ASP.NET ImageButton inside a TableCell

I'm trying to put an imagebutton in a tablecell, but the only property to add anything to a tablecell I know of, is the Text property. And that's for text, only accepting Strings. How do I add the Imagebutton instance instead? ...

Change the text direction in WPF FlowDocument TableCell.

I'm trying to create a simple table in a WPF FlowDocument that has rotated text in some of the cells. In Microsoft Word you can easily change the text direction of a table cell but I haven't been able to find a way in a WPF FlowDocument. Any idea on how to rotate the text 90 degrees or change the text direction. I've tried a few things...

updating textfield in tablecell

NSString *cel=@"text"; NSIndexPath *a = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:1]; CustomCell *c = (CustomCell *)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:a]; c.yes.text = cel; I am using these line for updating the UITextfield placed on the tablecell ..... but it giving me some error like this RootViewController.m:110: error:...

About uitextfield on table cell

I am making a app in this app i am using uitextfield on table cell. I have made custom tablecell and declared a label and a textfield and I can see textfield on every tablecell but now i want that if I edit a taxtfield then changes will show all the textfield ...... If still there is something which is not clear then Please.... ...

contenteditable table cells

creating a contentEditable table cell for FF allows the user to enter some text directly into the cell . while doing so the outline of the cell (I think called the focus rectangle ) is overlaid with horizontal and vertical controls. what are they, what do they do and how do you prevent them from displaying? ...