
Best way to store urls locally

I am creating an RSS reader as a hobby project, and at the point where the user is adding his own URL's. I was thinking of two things. A plaintext file where each url is a single line SQLite where i can have unique ID's and descriptions following the URL Is the SQLite idea to much of an overhead or is there a better way to do things...

Parsing PlainText Emails from HTML Content (ASP.NET)

Hi All, Right, in short we basically already have a system in place where the HTML content for emails is generated. It's not perfect, but it works. From this, we need to be able to derive a plaintext alternative for the email. I was thinking of instantly jumping on and creating a RegEx to strip the <*> tags from the message - but then ...

Retreiving AlternateView's of email

I can't seem to retrieve the AlternateView from System.Net.Mail.AlternateView. I have an application that is pulling email via POP3. I understand how to create an alternate view for sending, but how does one select the alternate view when looking at the email. I've have the received email as a System.Net.MailMessage object so I can ea...

How to remove duplicate words from a plain text file using linux command

I have a plain text file with words, which are separated by comma, for example: word1, word2, word3, word2, word4, word5, word 3, word6, word7, word3 i want to delete the duplicates and to become: word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7 Any Ideas? I think, egrep can help me, but i'm not sure, how to use it exactly.... ...

Security risk in storing SQL login info in PHP code?

Hi everybody, First time reader, first time poster (woo!) So I've been implementing my login scripts for an informal website. Not likely to be compromised, but just to be safe, I'd like to ask if there's a security risk in having my MySQL database login stored in plaintext in the php code. As far as I know, the code itself is parsed b...

Sending Plain text emails using PHPMailer

I have a problem sending plain text emails using PHPMailer. I have text that I read from a text file and mail it to mail recipient via PHPMailer When the recipient gets the actual email, the formatting of the mail is not like in the text file, everything is in one line, no new lines and tabs are included in the email that I send. Tex...

Cgi scripts returning data as html/text.. How safe is that?

Hi, It makes sense to return data when a form is submitted using post method. It looks as if only html/text can be returned ordinarily... I use gwt on the client side and it does not seem to work properly if plain/text is returned. The question: how safe is to return all kind of text using html/text? Is it possible that some data could ...

Why are plain text passwords bad, and how do I convince my boss that his treasured websites are in jeopardy?

I've always been of the impression that storing passwords in a database as plain text is (as someone else here put it) a Very Bad Thing™. Historically, most of our server-side coding needs have been contracted out to a group of programmers. They store passwords in MySQL databases in plain text. As the resident code monkey (incidentall...

Removing RichText Formatting from RichTextBox in Visual C#

Hi All, I'm developing an advanced rich text editor in c# but have stumbled upon a problem that I can't seem to grasp. I have been trying to let users save their documents as Text files (plain text). By using the following: MyRichTextBox.SaveFile(filepath, PlainText); But the problem is that when they view that file (which should hav...

Php or mysql commands - data from mysql row into text file

How do I get all data from one row from mysql table exported into text files, but formatted this way: one field under another, one per line i would like to break that data into pieces and save for example 50 lines in file1.txt then next 50 in file2.txt and so on until end (it's not round number so last file would have less lines proba...

What is the difference between plaintext and binary data?

Many languages have functions which only process "plaintext", not binary. Does this mean that only characters within the ASCII range will be allowed? Binary is just a series of bytes, isn't it similar to plaintext which is just a series of bytes interpreted as characters? So, can plaintext store the same data formats / protocols as bin...

How to send password securely over HTTP?

If on a login screen user submits a form with his username and password, the password is sent in plain text (even with POST, correct me if I am wrong). So the question is what is the right way to protect the user and his password against the third party who might be eavesdropping on the communication data? I am aware that HTTPS is aso...

Fetching plain text in Yahoo Pipes

I have a Yahoo pipe taking the Atom feed from a Google group, and I want to do some processing on the message's full text (running various regular expressions to extract data). I can get a message's text in plain text from from Google using a url like this:;ou...

Justified plain text from HTML

I need a plain text representation of an arbitrary HTML file (e.g., a blog post). So far that's not a problem, there are dozens of HTML to txt converters. However, the text in paragraphs (read "p elements") should be justified in the plain text view (to a certain amount of columns) and, if possible, hyphenated to give a better readable r...

Something like xslt for presenting plain-text EDI messages?

I often encounter EDI messages in various plain text formats, for example the format: HEAD[customer,8][date,8][reference,10] [lineno, 3][product, 8][quantity, 3][currency, 3][price, 10]... ..resulting in messages like this: HEAD1122334420091031 LINDAHL 00100004711010USD0000234055 00200004712005USD0000004543 ... Reading the above ...

Best way to convert HTML to plaintext using Python

I'm working on a project that involves converting a large amount of HTML content to plain/text. I have a custom-written module that does the job OK, but I'm wondering if there's some standard tools to help get the job done. ...

Slashes in plain text email causing send failure

A particular mail server I'm dealing with has rejected the sending of a plain text email with a few forward and backslashes in it. It's possible it's confusing these with something else. The email is simply a contact form on a website, so it's a blurb of text written by someone. What's the best method for escaping or doing otherwise to...

how to Sort out Mysql odbc connection strings stored in registry as plain text

Mysql odbc connection string is stored in the windows registry as plain text. So someone can find it and view my database. How can I sort out this security problem. thanks ...

Formatting plain text output for printing?

This may be a naive question, but bare with me. I have a program that outputs a report into plain text. The report must be plain text for it to load into a third party program. The report also needs to be printable. When dealing with plain text, what limits should I set on line size and number of lines on a page to get it to print reaso...

Which Javascript code editor supports plain text line numbering?

I need to add a text area that also has line numbering capabilities. I tried EditArea, but I couldn't make it work with text files. It would be ideal if it could highlight syntax for existing programming languages, but that would only be a side bonus. The main thing I'm after is line numbering for whatever I paste in it. Please only li...