
Using Yahoo! Pipes

Have you used to quickly and easily do... anything? I've recently created a quick mashup of StackOverflow tags (via rss) so that I can browse through new questions in fields I like to follow. This has been around for some time, but I've just recently revisited it and I'm completely impressed with it's ease of use. It's a...

Designing a Yahoo Pipes inspired interface

I really like the interface for Yahoo Pipes ( and would like to create a similar interface for a different problem. Are there any libraries that would allow me to create an interface with the same basic look and feel? I especially like how the pipes behave and how they are not just straight lines. Edit: T...

Web-based yahoo-pipes alike plugin or app or ... something

I am looking for advice on how to create a drag and drop interface similar to Yahoo Pipes: dragging and dropping elements and linking them together. I really don't care if it's Flash or JavaScript or SVG or Open Source or Commercial (although reasonably priced would be better). Ideally I would like to describe my elements as JSON or ...

Regular expression on Yahoo! pipes

I'm fooling around with Yahoo! pipes and I'm hitting a wall with some regular expression. Now I'm familiar with regular expressions from Perl but the rules just seem to be different in Yahoo! pipes. What I'm doing is fetching a page and trying to turn it into a feed, my regex for stripping out the link from the HTML works fine but the...

Regex to add padding zeroes

I am working on this yahoo pipe Regex and I found a bug I'm unable to wrap my mind around it. I have a URL, from which I extract digits, cat them and make a img html tag and embed it. The issue is that, the URL is presented in a non padded way, but the image linked has the zeroes. Therefore, when there is a day or a month with single di...

Cross Domain security error in Silverlight?

I'm trying to read a feed from Yahoo Pipes into a Silverlight Application. I keep getting a SecurityException, which sounds like a cross domain policy problem, but Yahoo pipes, if you go through the pipes.yahooapis domain, has a cross domain policy, so should be ok. I tried the exact same code, but going to the Digg API, and it works fin...

How to configure the update interval for Yahoo! Pipes?

I am creating some RSS using Yahoo! Pipes, but the update interval is too long. How can i change it? If it is not possible to change, how long it is exactly? ...

PubDate/Guid is essential to RSS? How I create a good RSS in Yahoo! Pipes if the source doesn't provide different dates for the items?

I am creating a Yahoo! Pipe to a news site but the feedless source doesn't have a date/time for each item. My RSS doesn't works very well: each update makes the RSS Reader, Google Reader for instance, to mark all readed items as unreaded again. Perhaps that's because of the lack of pubDate tag or incorrect guid tag. 1) How to create a "...

post forms with yahoo pipes?

is it possible to submit forms with yahoo pipes? i basically need to log in somewhere, and get some stuff from the members area of a website into a feed. ...

Using a HTTPS Resource in Yahoo Pipes?

Is possible to use a HTTPS: resource in a URLBuilder in Yahoo Pipes? I have used a HTTP: easily, but when I change it to HTTPS: I get an error. ...

TXT->JSON with Yahoo! Pipes

I have a txt file on the web, that is contructed like this: "key1 value1 key2 value2 key3 value3 ..." Can I using Yahoo! Pipes parse it to JSON? The end format should be like: {key1 : value1, key2 : value2, key3 : value3, ...} Any hint is welcome :) ...

Yahoo Pipes, configure a pipe at runtime with as many URLs as needed

Hi there, I'm having trouble to do something that I though it would be a 5 minutes thing. I want to create a Pipe that accepts at runtime as many URLs as needed. I know how I can combine many URLs within the editor, but I want a Pipe that anybody can configure to their needs. I thought I could use the URL Input module within a Loop, ...

Yahoo Pipes, simplejson and slashes

Im trying to use as inspiration, but I'm having some troubles with the output. Its obvious when testing with the console and the App Engine "django util simplejson": /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Google/google_appengine/lib/django $ python Python 2.5.2 (r252...

yahoo pipes - "i + 1" at the end of a title

For this pipe... Pipes: 0070c images into a feed (English Russia) link ...I want to make the titles image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4 etc. In a programming language I could grab "i" from the loop and and add "i + 1" to the end of the title. I have no idea how to do something similar in pipes. [1]:

Filter or remove item.description from an RSS feed

I would like to remove the item.description part of a twitter feed within yahoo pipes and I haven't figured out how to do it yet. Obviously the filter module will remove posts with that item so I've been trying to use Regex. I think clearing the item.description field would work well enough. Is there a Regex expression that would repla...

Yahoo Pipes - Return items in a feed by range?

There exists an RSS feed with over 1000 items. I want to create a Yahoo Pipes RSS feed that returns a subset of the feed's items, specified by the index of the first and last item. For example, I could pass in first=500 and last=600, and the Pipe will return an RSS feed with only the 500th through 600th itemd in the source feed. Is th...

Can I the result that did FetchPage and can do FetchPage more in Yahoo!Pipes ?

I do scrape of a page with Yahoo!Pipes and want about scrape doing other pages with this result more. For example [FetchPage] -[Regex] Based on it [URLBuilder] I want to do input of URLBuilder in Path, but will such a thing be possible? ...

How can I restructure this RSS feed?

I'm working with an RSS feed structured like this: Title string1 string2 I'd like to somehow alter the feed on the fly so that it looks like this: Title Title (string2) basically, I'd like to move the title string down into the RSS item description, next to second string in the RSS item. Right now the feed is pretty standard, tit...

Why isn't this Yahoo Pipe outputting items?

I have a Yahoo! Pipe that attempts to transform an HTML page into RSS, but the resulting feed contains no items. For each entry I've parsed these elements: link (permalink) title (HTML title) description (HTML entry) guid (segment of the permalink) Various tutorials led me to add these: dc:creator ("Doug") y:id.value (permalink) y:...

can't add yahoo pipes to google reader

for some reason the feed won't load anything when I add it to google reader. The pipe is very simple, consists of 2 filters only. Runs fine in yahoo pipes itself, just will not be found in google reader when I attempt to fetch. Anyone seen this before? ...