
For UITableViewCell (on iPhone) I need to figure out how to get it's current position?

So, idea is the following. I have UITableViewCell, and when I click on it, I want to show UIActivityIndicatorView right in this cell. I cannot figure out how do I find the X/Y or any position (I can find the frame size of UITableViewCell though but it does not help much :-) for the given cell. Any tips? Help? Thank you! ...

uiimage oncomplete iphone

Is there such a thing as an "on load complete" for images in iphone? I want to be able to destroy a UIActivity indicator once and image is loaded. What the general best practice for doing this? ...

Activity Indicator not displaying based on whether the UIWebView is loading or not...

Hi folks Sorry if this is an easy one. Basically, here is my code: MainViewController.h: #import "FlipsideViewController.h" @interface MainViewController : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate, FlipsideViewControllerDelegate> { IBOutlet UIWebView *webView; IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner; } - (IBAction)showInfo; @p...

Setting navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem - why does it hide my back arrow button ?

When I do this : // --------------- SETTING NAVIGATION BAR LEFT BUTTON activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,25.0,25.0)]; [activityIndicator sizeToFit]; activityIndicator.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMarg...

NetworkActivityIndicator not working the same on iPhone and Simulator?

I am using the NetworkActivityIndicator to show that my App is doing some work. When I run the app in the simulator, it shows the way I want - basically spinning the entire time until the selected tab loads the data from the server - but when I put the app onto my phone, I only get a split-second of the spinner before it disappears. Usua...

Can I change the size of UIActivityIndicator?

Whatever size i give to it while allocation, it shows fixed size only. Is it possible to increase it? Code: activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(142.00, 212.00, 80.0, 80.0)]; [[self view] addSubview:activityIndicator]; [activityIndicator sizeToFit]; activityIndicator.autor...

Activity Indicator display in Table View whilst row data is being fetched

Hi All, I am navigating from tableview1.row to a tableview2 which has a LOT of rows being fetched. Given the load time is around 3 seconds, I want the navigation to slide into tableview2 as soon as the tableview1.row is selected, and then display a UIActivityIndicatorView above tableview2 whilst the data is fetched and then rendered in...

example of overlay view with UIActivityIndicatorView

Hi, Does somebody have a good example of adding an overlay view (that covers the whole screen) with an activity indicator in the middle? TIA ...

implementing UIActivityIndicatorView while NSData dataWithContentsOfURL is downloading

Hi people, I am downloading an mp3 using NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url. This takes a while and while the file is downloading the application hangs. I want to handle well and ideal would like to show the download progress but can't find methods for this. It is in a UIViewController and I have made a first attempt by putting in a UIAc...

Custom color my UIActivityIndicatorView

I would like to have my UIActivityIndicatorView be colored a custom color. Is there any way to set this property? ...

iphone dev - activity indicator scroll with the table

In a view of my app I subclass tableViewController and has an activity indicator shown up when the table content is loading. I put it in the center of the screen but it scroll with the tableView (I guess the reason is I add it as a subview of the table view). Is there a way that I can keep the activity indicator in the center of the scre...

Display UIActivityIndicatorView while loading the application

Hi, I checked other questions and found none with my doubt. Is there a way to display an UIActivityIndicatorView "on top" of Default.png while my iPhone application is being loaded? Thanks in advance. Camilo @ lx-apps.com/ ...

UIActivityIndicator not working properly?

Hello frends, I have a problem regarding UIActivityIndicator. I applied "[spinner startAnimating]" at the IBAction on a button and then doing some process. After the process activityindicator should be stopped and then navigate to another view. But the activity indicator does not appear. When I remove the line "[spinner stopAnimating]" ...

how to add UIActivityIndicator to window as subview..?

Hi, i have to add activity indicator to UITableViewController view since table view height can wary as number of rows increases its not possible to activity indicator display at center. So i think to add it as subview to window and bring it front but when i try [[self view] window] it giving nil, i tried even [[[self view] supe...

UIActivityView and blocking

Hello, I have a section of code that uploads an image: [activity startAnimating]; [self uploadImage:img Session_id:appDelegate.sessionID PlaceID:place.placeID Comment:comment.text]; [activity stopAnimating]; I am sure that activity is wired up correctly to a UIActivityViewIndicator, but it never shows. Inside the uploadImage functi...

Is it possible to change an Activitiy indicator color to Black in iphone?

Hi, I want to change an activity indicator color gray/white to black color. Is it possible to change the color to Black?. If yes, Please guide me or give some sample code. Thanks in Advance. ...

UIActivityindicator won't be displayed upon Modalviewcontroller

Hey Guys, i've created a login screen via a modalviewcontroller. But certainly i have a problem to display a uiactivityindicator once the loginbutton was pressed. Instead the activityindicator seem to be displayed for a minimal period of time, when releasing the modalviewcontroller. Does anyone know the problem. Could anybody help me ou...

UIActivityIndicatorView in a class without a view

Hi I have defined a class that does a lengthy task and I call it from several other classes. Now I want to show an Activity Indicator while this task is doing it's thing, and then remove it once it's done. Since this is just a boring background task, this class doesn't have a view, and I guess that is where I run into my problem. I can'...

UIActivityIndicator on UITableViewCell not displaying while calling a webService

Hi coders, I guess my problem is very simple to solve but I haven been able to do so. Here is my problem: I have a custom table view cell that contains a UIActivityIndicator. When a cell is selected I push another view but this second view makes a call to a web service to bring data. Here is my code // Override to support row selectio...

UIActivityIndicatorView doesn't work on iPhone 4 with iOS4

I noticed in one of my apps that the activity indicator doesn't seem to work on an iPhone 4. It works fine on an old iPhone upgraded to iOS 4 just not on an iPhone 4. Does anyone know why it isn't working? ...