
Displaying UIActivityIndicator while performing a SYNCHRONOUS download

I am downloading XML to populate an array used to build UITableView. Until I'm informed otherwise, I believe I have to completely download the array before I can display it in the table (also it's text only and extremely small, so it downloads in a reasonable time on the slowest possible connection). It does take about 3-5 seconds at it'...

Hide ActivityIndicator in moviePlayerController

As you know,when i play movie with MPmoviePlayerController ,the moviePlayer should show an activityIndicatorView in the center of the moviePlayer'view. Now,i have put a custom activityIndicatorView in my program,i just want to hide or remove the activityIndicatorView of MPMoviePlayController,can i do that ? ...

activity indicator and CLLocation Distance

In my application i load at startup the distance between user location and a known point; I want to show at startup an activity indicator with a label "Loading" that then disappears to show the distance. How can I do? ...

Adding an activityIndicator on modalViewController iphone

Hi all, I'm trying to add an activityIndicator on a modalViewController. Basically I want to start animating this activityIndicator after user presses a button on this modalViewController. But what's happening is whatever I'm doing before firing presentModalViewController on this modalViewController is staying constant i.e. If I simpl...

UIActivityIndicatorview freezes when application moves to foreground iOS4

Hi, I am experiencing an issue with activity indicator freezing when I move application to background and then bring it back to foreground. The application can be loading some data over the network when it is moved to background. Hence I display an activity indicator to the user. I have added the code to make sure that the task finishes...

UIActivityIndicatorView in UITableView section header disappears on orientation change

Hi all, I have an iPhone app containing a UITableView in grouped style. In the ViewController I defined an UIActivityIndicatorView as a property: self.browsingIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite]; browsingIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = YES; I want to place this s...

How do I show and start animating a UIActivityIndicatorView from within a method

I have a method that does a time consuming operation, say something like ten consecutive calls to [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:u]; I want a UIActivityIndicatorView that was in a hidden state before the method call to show and animate, so I write: activityIndicator.hidden = NO; [activityIndicator startAnimating]; at the be...

Need help with an activity indicator

I can't get my activity indicator to work. Here's what I've got- -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [super viewWillAppear:YES]; //Create an instance of activity indicator view UIActivityIndicatorView * activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)]; //set the initial property [activityIn...

Activity Indicator Animation Ceases upon App Resuming From Background

I've got an activity indicator set up to start spinning when a file is getting downloaded from the internet. The file is downloaded asynchronously, and it also makes a request to continue downloading should the user send the app into the background or start another app. However, upon resuming my app, the activity indicator is no longer s...

iPad - iPhone Large UIActivityIndicatorView

I need to make a large spinner (with grey style, about 80x80px) but it looks low quality. Is there a way to make it high quality or to replace the animated image? ...

Activity Indicator question

My app main view is a tableview with several rows that can be drilled down. When a row is clicked, I fetch the sub items using core data which could take a fraction of a second to several long seconds depending on how much items are fetched. (0 to thousands) Placing activity indicator when fetch takes long time is a great UI while plac...

UIActivityIndicatorView Trouble

This is a bit of a silly question but I don't know how to get around it. I am making an iphone app and I am just trying to display a progress wheel while my UITableView is loading. I try to test if the view is loading but I get an error: 'request for member 'loading' is something not a structure or a union'. So, I'm not sure how I am ...

iPhone SDK Simple Question

Is it possible to add a UIActivityIndicatorView to the left side of a UITableViewCell? We're already using the right side of a UITableViewCell for a disclosure indicator. Thanks. ...

Where to add a loading view in an iphone/ipad app?

I have a view made in Interface Builder and I want to show it every time I need time to get some data from a server. I need to add it on top of everything, I mean, modals can be presenting when this view is visible, and this view has to be always on top. Any help? Thanks in Advance ...

activity indicator not showing up on iPhone

I am using a standard navigator interface on the iPhone. When I move from the highest level tableview to the next level, I have to load about 2000 records from core data, which can take 5-10 seconds, so I want to use an activity indicator. I have done the following code which works if I remove the code in the DidSelect method, but othe...

Thread causes crash when exiting a view - result of code change to prevent UIActivityIndicatorView not displaying, UIImageView not hiding.

When an image is loading, I want to hide the old image and display an activity indicator. The following code should (IMO) work, however, the image does not hide and no activity indicator is displayed. If the image has not been downloaded previously, there is a discernable wait whilst it does download. What am I doing wrong? - (UIImage *...

display loading

Hey there, I'd like to display a UIActivityView in a rounded transparent box with text, just like the one shown below. Does anyone know how to do this? p.s. I'd rather not be putting it in an UIAlertView, but I don't know how to do it any other way. Thanks! Tristan ...

show uiactivityview while an other operation is loading

hi all i googled for hours now but i can't find a code example, which describes how to show an uiactivityview while an operation/method is loading. in my case i want to show it while i load a large image to an uiimageview. have you got an idea how to realize that? thanks in advance. sean ...

Replace UIBarButtonItem with UIActivityIndicatorView not working

I want to replace refresh button with activity indicator when the user press the refresh button and after the tableview is refreshed, i want to change it back to refresh button. But when I press the refresh button, it didn't change to activity indicator but the refresh button is highlighted until the data reloading is finished. the cod...

iPhone UIActivityIndicatorView While Loading UIViewController

Hi there, I've an application with a UITabBarController with five tabs. Tests on real device show that switching from a tab to another, may take one or more seconds to load the views, because I also have to download some data from the Internet. What I would like to do is to show a UIActivityIndicatorView while the view is loading, but I...