
Are there any winforms spinner like controls for adjusting floating point values?

I have .NET app with a floating point value that I want to adjust up and down by a user adjustable increment with something like a spinner control. Before I go off and build my own, does something like this already exist? ...

How to code a spinner for waiting processes in a Batch file?

Hi there, I would like to show the user with a spinner, that something is done in background but do not know how this works in a batchfile. Does anyone have a clue? ...

Good NumericUpDown equivalent in WPF?

I'm looking for a simple NumericUpDown (a.k.a. number spinner) control in WPF. This seems to be another lacking control in WPF. There must be some existing ones out there and I don't like to re-invent the wheel. ...

Read only spinner

I am learning Jsf.Is there any method for making the spinners read only?I should change the value only using spinners and not directly typing the number.Can i implement that by setting attribute in the spinners.tld file? ...

When to use a spinner vs a form object

When is using a spinner object appropriate, rather than using a standard text entry object (a.k.a. form, or text box)? I am looking for information on "best practices" in GUI. ...

MFC: Why does my spin control work backwards

Using MS Visual Studio, I have attached a spin control to an edit control using the "auto buddy" property. The spin control alters the edit box, but the up button decrements the value and the down button increments the value. How do you fix this? ...

Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event.

How can you set the event listerner for a Spinner when the selected item changes> basically what I am trying to do is something similar to this: spinner1.onSelectionChange = handleSelectionChange; void handleSelectionChange(Object sender){ //handle event } ...

Casting spinners in android

Hi, I'm currently trying out the google's various android examples at http://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/views/hello-spinner.html BUT I can't seem to get this part to work even though the code is exactly the same as the one provided in the website. Spinner s = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner); Eclipse keeps saying "Cann...

Android: setSelection having no effect on Spinner

I'm having some problem with setSelection on a Spinner. I set the value to be pre-selected when the spinner is shown in code, but it has no effect and the first alternative in the list is always selected. The code looks like this: LayoutInflater li = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View...

Manually set width of spinner dropdown list in android

Is it possible to set the width of a spinner dropdown list in code? I have a spinner populated with integers, and it does not look good with the list expanding to full width. Can I set the width to wrap the content somehow? Spinner hSpinner = (Spinner) timerView.findViewById(R.id.timer_hour_spinner); ArrayList<Integer> hList = new Array...

how to create horizontal spinner+timer like this?

is it possible to create a design something like this? any help regarding this would be very helpful for me.the functionality i want is to rotate the wheel left-to-right or right to left for selecting time...yellow is selection color and red is shows the remaining time when countdown is running ...

Android - configure Spinner to use array

I declare my Spinner in the following manner (it's very static so I have 2 string arrays in array.xml for titles and values) <Spinner android:id="@+id/searchCriteria" android:entries="@array/ searchBy" android:entryValues="@array/searchByValues"> </Spinner> I expect spinner.getSelectedItem() to return an array [title, value] but in fa...

Android: How to bind spinner to custom object list?

Hi, In the user interface there has to be a spinner which contains some names (the names are visible) and each name has its own ID (the IDs are not equal to display sequence). When the user selects the name from the list the variable currentID has to be changed. The application contains the ArrayList Where User is an object with ID an...

How to get a callback when a Spinner popup dialog is dismissed?

I have an Android Spinner and I'd like to get a callback when the user selects something from its popup dialog. It seems like setOnItemClickListener() or setOnItemSelectedListener() would be the right method to use, but neither get invoked when I select one of the items in the spinner. Is there a correct way to do this? UPDATE Per co...

show spinner before adding widget android

For a widget I am creating for the Android OS, I want the user to first select a certain option from a Spinner. Just like when you add a shortcut to the homescreen. Is that possible or do you have to start an Activity? If it is possible, can anyone explain how to do it? ...

detecting pdf download

I have recently added functionality for generating pdf reports to a web application. However the reports can be quite large and take some time to show the pdf download dialog. I want to show a spinner until the report is ready but have no way of knowing when the dialog appears. any suggestions would be much appreciated. thanks, shawn ...

Android how to get selected item from data driven spinner

Newbie question. I'm using a SimleCursorAdapter to populate a spinner from an SQLite table, as shown in the Android dev docs: Spinner list=(Spinner)findViewById(R.id.cboModel); SimpleCursorAdapter ModelAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, model, new String[] {"Drug"}, new ...

How to make article spinner regex?

Let's say I have teh following: {{Hello|Hi|Hey} {world|earth} | {Goodbye|farewell} {noobs|n3wbz|n00blets}} And I want that to turn into any of the following: Hello world Goodbye noobs Hi earth farewell n3wbz // etc. Paying attention to the way the "spinning" syntax is nested. It could be nested a billion layers deep for al...

Using a spinner on another view with a different class defined (Android)

Having a problem loading an array into a spinner that is located on a different view. The array is defined properly in arrays.xml with a name of beerstyles. The beerstylespinner is defined as the id of a spinner in carbonationcalculator_view.xml. This works when the code is in the main java class but not the additional carbonationcalc...

Is it possible to seamlessly display an ajax spinner for every GWT RPC call?

Hi everyone, I have a GWT application that uses RPC calls heavily. I would like to display a spinner icon whenever a call is in progress. It is easy enough to display the icon, but I want to do it seamlessly in one place so I don't have to explicitly hide and show the icon for each call. I guess I am looking for something similar to jQ...