
android spinner width problem?

dear friends, i have created following layout. <TableLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" > <TableRow> <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Post As" /> <Spin...

Setting values and display Text in Android Spinner

Hi, I need help in setting up value and display text in spinner. as per now I am populating my spinner by array adapter e.g mySpinner.setAdapter(myAdapter); and as far as I know after doing this the display text and the value of spinner at same position is same. The other attribute that I can get from spinner is the position on the i...

Android - How to tell is someone has pressed a SPINNER but not changed the visible item in it.

I have a spinner, which mostly works. If a user selects one of the items in it, the 'onItemSelected' routine catches it just fine. But if a user clicks the same spinner, but does not change from the already visible item that it's currently displaying, the 'onItemSelected' routine just ignores it, and the logs show:- WARN/InputManagerSe...

How can I display an array of Strings in a Spinner with Spinner.setAdapter ?

I have an xml layout file which contains a few widgets including a Spinner I want to display a list of strings in the spinner, the list is generated at runtime as a result of a function so it can not be in arrays.xml. I tried doing: String[] SpinnerItems = GetMyCustomItems(); ((Spinner)findViewById(R.id.MySpinner)).setAdapter(new Ar...

Location of Firefox throbber/spinner image

I'm trying to locate the "throbber" (or "spinner") image used in the Firefox 3.6x chrome to show that a request is being processed: I'm not familiar with the source code structure for Firefox, and a simple search hasn't yielded the answer. Does anyone know which file I'm looking for? (E.g. can you provide a link to the file in the Me...

How can I manage the height of android spinner items?

I have an android spinner that's populated by a list of strings using an ArrayAdapter and it operates fine, however because of the way the spinner is displayed I'm running into a display height problem with the list items. At first glance it would seem that the ArrayAdapter can use a single layout for displaying options which leads to t...

Andorid - Text dropdown/selection of Spinner does not show

Hi, I'm using this sample code to populate the Spinner. Data is read from database. The selection displays correctly - in this case, it shows "Green" and "Red". Spinner spinnerColor = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinnertProfile); mProfileDbHelper = new ProfileDbAdapter(this); mProfileDbHelper.open(); Cursor profilesCu...

How can we add different sound to spinner (music play)

I would like to create am timer application(with alarm) for android mobile . I can able to make timer with one sound. By storing the .mp3 in Raw folder A drop down which contain sound list would be interesting. Bt in android their is no drop down option. I found Spinner is helpful in this. Problem:= How can we add different sound to ...

How to attach an xml layout resource file with spinner adaptor in creation

Here is my code enter code here ArrayAdapter<String> aa=new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,R.layout.spinnerLayout android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,choicesString); aa.setDropDownViewResource( android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); newQuestionSpinner.setAdapter(aa); The R.layout.spinne...

QComboBox and QSpinBox in QTableWidget with appropriate alignment.

How to create a QTable widget which has 2 columnes, and in first column there is a QComboBox and in the second column there is a QSpinBox so that the combo box gets all the space of table and only a very small place leaves for QSpinBox (for 2-3 digits). ...

Refreshing a Spinner

I have a view with a spinner. The activity starts another acvitity with a popup where I add or delete values that the parent shows in the Spinner. So, in onActivityResult() I refresh the content of the Spinner so that it reflects any additional or deleted values, by calling my fillSpinner() method. The parameter to this method is the pre...

Get previous value of QComboBox, which is in a QTableWidget, when the value is changed

Say I have a QTableWidget and in each row there is a QComboBox and a QSpinBox. Consider that I store their values is a QMap theMap; When comboBoxes value or spin boxes value is being changed I want to update "theMap". So I should know what was the former value of the combo box in order to replace with the new value of the combo box and...

How to remove button line in Spinner?

I used a spinner to display a list: At the bottom of the list, there is this grey line. How i can remove it programatically?? Thanks ...

How do I change the text style of a spinner?

I'm creating a spinner in my layout xml files and setting an string array to this spinner. If I change the textstyle of the spinner the text is not affected by the changes. I read in the googlegroups that a spinner has no text and therefore the textstyle can not be changed and I have to change the style of the textview that is shown i...

Put the android spinner at a "zero" scroll position while having the setSelection a few positions down

I've noticed that when I use an android spinner and specify e.g. setSelection(2) from the code behind, the scroll position of the spinner will start at position 2. I think a user easily may miss that there are actually 2 available options above this position. So instead I want to set the scroll position to "zero". My preselected option w...

Entirely Javascript Ajax spinner?

I was thinking that Ajax spinners are really great but the image spinning is actually shown with some delay OR is loaded too early, I thought maybe I could use these old school characters to provide more accurate ajax activity feedback. |, /, —, \ lets say the target paragraph is called <p id="target"></p> How can I interchange thes...

How to make a "Spinner" to improve php form security?

This article about php form security: http://nedbatchelder.com/text/stopbots.html ... mentions a "spinner" as: The spinner is a hidden field used for a few things: it hashes together a number of values that prevent tampering and replays, and is used to obscure field names. The spinner is an MD5 hash of: * The timestamp, ...

wxPython: Right-align the numbers in a wx.SpinCtrl

A primary reason to use wx.SpinCtrl is to restrict the user to input integers, therefore I think that the text inside it would look better if right-aligned. Is there a way to do this in wxPython? ...

wxPython: "Super" wx.SpinCtrl with float values, layout inside sizer

wx.SpinCtrl is limited to spinning across integers, and not floats. Therefore, I am building a wx.TextCtrl + wx.SpinButton combo class which enables me to spin across floats. I am able to size and layout both of them programmatically so that the combo looks exactly the same as an ordinary wx.SpinCtrl. I am subclassing this combo from th...

Android: Spinners for different screen sizes

Hello, I have a question about Spinner widget in android. All works well except that when I change device with small screen Spinner widgets are overlapped. Is there good practice with managing of sizes of Spinners? In runtime or during design of layout? ...