
Showing a throbber during html page load and rendering

I have a page that renders slowly. The trip across the net is quick. The initial load of the page is quick. You can actually see (if your machine is slow enough), the initial layout of the html components. Then some javascript stuff runs, making some of those components all ajaxy. Then finally the css gets applied. I can't do anyth...

running a backgound function while jquery ajax load()

I'm using jquery's load() to get some content into a div, and I want to run an other function in the "background" until load() finishes. That function should update a custom throbber every 1 second until $("#id").html() == "" where $("#id").html() is set to "" after load() finishes. Is there any way I can do that? ...

Stop the browser "throbber of doom" while loading comet/server push iframe

When using Comet, or Ajax Long Pull techniques - an iframe is usually used. And while that iframe is waiting for the long connection to close, the browser is spinning its throbber (the progress/loading indicator). Some websites, for example, managed to make it stop. How do they do it? ...

How do I hide a throbber when ASP.NET client side validation fails?

I'm using the ASP.NET login control and I'm displaying a jQuery throbber when the submit button is clicked. This works fine, but the throbber is visible if client side validation fails and the button is invisible, so the user cannot re-submit the form. How do I hide the throbber if client side validation fails? ...

Cooler ASCII Spinners?

In a console app, an ascii spinner can be used, like the GUI wait cursor, to indicate that work is being done. A common spinner cycles through these 4 characters: '|', '/', '-', '\' What are some other cyclical animation sequences to spice up a console application? ...

Location of Firefox throbber/spinner image

I'm trying to locate the "throbber" (or "spinner") image used in the Firefox 3.6x chrome to show that a request is being processed: I'm not familiar with the source code structure for Firefox, and a simple search hasn't yielded the answer. Does anyone know which file I'm looking for? (E.g. can you provide a link to the file in the Me...

Throbber of Doom in Chrome/Safari

Hi, Is there any way in JavaScript to Stop throbber of doom in Chrome/Safari browsers, when using push technology (Ajax Comet) with iframe. ...

Conditionally load jquery throbber plugin

I have the code below that shows a throbber and makes a getJSON call to an MVC action when the user changes an entry in a select. This all works great except there is a default -- select -- element in the list for which I don't want the getJSON to run. However, I can't work out how to apply conditional logic to hooking this event. The...