
How to display indeterminate NSProgressIndicator in the NSOutlineView?

I need to display a progress of loading of item's children. Please advise how to implement a progress indicator like it's done in Mail application: P. S. Here a source code of using indicator sub-views: ...

Is it better to show ProgressBar UserForms in VBA as modal or modeless?

Is it better to show ProgressBar UserForms in VBA as modal or modeless? What are the best practices for developing progress indicators in VBA? Modeless UserForms require the use of Application.Interactive = False, whereas Modal UserForms by their very nature block any interaction with the application until the core procedure has finishe...

Cooler ASCII Spinners?

In a console app, an ascii spinner can be used, like the GUI wait cursor, to indicate that work is being done. A common spinner cycles through these 4 characters: '|', '/', '-', '\' What are some other cyclical animation sequences to spice up a console application? ...

iPhone Circular Progress Indicator

I'm trying to create a circular progress indicator like Shazam. It will represent progress during recording. There will be a finite amount of time and I want it to react to the sound level like Shazam's does. Any clues where to begin? Thanks ...

jQuery UI AutoComplete - How to implement progress-indicator?

If the question title wasn't clear enough: I am using the jQuery AutoComplete plugin (part of jQuery UI 1.8.5) I would have thought the supplied CSS/images would include an ajax-like progress image? If not, what's the easiest way to create one? This is my autocomplete code: $('#query').autocomplete({ source: function (request, re...