
How to update a spinner dynamically in Android?

I've been trying to update my spinner in android dynamically but nothing I try has been working. This is the following code I'm using to update the spinner. typeList = dbAdapter.getList(); //array list with the values adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); groupSpinner.postInvalidate(); groupSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); The values of type...

Getting text from spinner

placeSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString(); so I'm using this coding lines to get the text from my spinner and pass it on to another java file. But the application keeps giving me a force close whenever I do this. Hwo can I resolve this error? Thank you so much. ...

Text Size of a Spinner.

How can I decrease the font size of my spinner? I have reduced the spinner size to 35 pix because of which my text gets cut in half. How do i do that? Also I dont want anything to be selected beforehand. Default text should be "select some value". ...

[Android/java] Handle different Radio Buttons and Spinner together

Hi everybody, I need your help because i'm stuck in a problem! I have 4 radiobuttons that shows respectively 4 different images. Now i need to change those images after a selected spinner. I used this code but doesn't work properly because the listener takes only the first radio button and nothing else. Do you know how help me? I know th...

Error with spinner

There is an error when i run my android program. My Booking.java package one.two; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; import android.widget.Spinner; public class Booking extends ListActivity { private DBAdapter db; /** Called w...

Question with android

How would i make what i selected in the spinner appear in a textview when i choose that selection? The data would be taken from the database. My Booking.java package one.two; import android.app.Activity; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import androi...

How to enable fast scroll (thumb) in Android Spinner's drop-down menu?

In an application I have a Spinner that has tens of items. When the user taps on the spinner, a popup dialog appears that shows the list of possible selections. However, since there are (sorted) tens of items, I want the user to be able to use the fast-scroll thumb (like fastScrollEnabled attribute on ListView), similar to the one enabl...

Help with showing data on spinner.

Hi , i would like to show data from my database onto a spinner. how would that be possible? As there is an null error in my logcat. Booking.java public class Booking extends Activity { private DBAdapter db; private Spinner colourSpinner; private String txtArrival; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ ...

How to create article spinner regex in Java?

Say for example I want to take this phrase: {{Hello|What's Up|Howdy} {world|planet} | {Goodbye|Later} {people|citizens|inhabitants}} and randomly make it into one of the following: Hello world Goodbye people What's Up word What's Up planet Later citizens etc. The basic idea is that enclosed within every pair of braces will b...

Enable a currently disabled Spinner in Android

Hi, I was fooling around with Android and my Java knowledge is limited at best (for instance, I'm perplexed by the fact that it allows inline classes!?). My question is as follows: I have a layout where there are three dropdown menus. I initialise all three of them inside onCreate(). The first one takes its values from a string-array...

Anything wrong with my code?

package one.two; import android.app.Activity; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener; public ...

iPad - iPhone Large UIActivityIndicatorView

I need to make a large spinner (with grey style, about 80x80px) but it looks low quality. Is there a way to make it high quality or to replace the animated image? ...

Android Custom Spinner - What is the useable result?

I have a custom spinner (customized for formatting). It works fine and shows the result of the selected array item. The string array with my data is called mydata[]. I want to do something with that result - I've tried hours of changes but, it seems I don't know what the container is for the selected result - it just displays automati...

Problem with android

Booking.java This is part of my spinner code. public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View v,int position, long id) { boolean result = Booking.this.myCursor.moveToPosition(position); if (result) { String title=Booking.this.myCursor.getString(2); Booking.this.txtArrival.setText(title); } } There is ...

custom UI for drop down

i am in process of making a custom UI for my app, have almost created XML based shapes for all the controls which is fine, but spinner seems to be the main problem, is their any example for making a new shape for spinner, which could be supported on 1.5 to 2.2, i know about a tutorial that tells for custom shape for spinner but that`s fo...

why was the onNothingSelected in spinner not invoked?

Hi all! I have an Android Spinner and I want to listen the event when the user press "Back Key" when the spinner's select panel is showing.I have implement the OnItemSelectedListener ,but the onNothingSelected(AdapterView arg0) was not invoked when press back key. I just want to listen the event when user select nothing( or the select...

Develop article spinner software

I want to develop an article spinner. A software that generates several articles from one article of the same meaning but using different words and synonyms. Is there any open source version? How does this software work? ...

Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner?

The java.lang.RuntimeException is "Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably want setOnItemClickListener instead," but that is not correct. I am using setOnItemClickListener to do some stuff based on the new selection, but I also need to do some stuff before the user changes the selection. Specifically, I am collecti...

GridView: NumericUpDown column to update a second column

Using a gridview I a have one column with a NumericUpDown control bound to an underlying list of objects. The problem is I can bind to the valuechanged eventon the UpDown control, however when I update the percentages, it doesn't update on the screen (GridView). If in member.refreshCandidatesGrid i call grid.Rebind() it causes a mess (...

Android - Custom AutoCompleteTextView layout

The AutoCompleteTextView drop-down has a large font size. I want to change it to something smaller. I think the way to do it is to overwrite the android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line. Please can someone let me know how to do it. Thank you. Cheers. ...