
Customized DataGridView column does not accept the entered decimal seperator under Windows Vista

Hello everybody! For a project I built a custom DataGridView column which contains NumericUpDown controls. It is implemented similar to the suggestion from Microsoft The column works fine under Windows XP. It accepts the entered digits and decimal separator. Under Windows Vista I have the odd problem that the control only accepts the d...

Good NumericUpDown equivalent in WPF?

I'm looking for a simple NumericUpDown (a.k.a. number spinner) control in WPF. This seems to be another lacking control in WPF. There must be some existing ones out there and I don't like to re-invent the wheel. ...

New C# Programmer - Adding two numericUpDown values together?

Hi there! I'm fairly new to C# programming. I am making a program for fun that adds two numbers together, than displays the sum in a message box. I have two numericUpDowns and a button on my form. When the button is pushed I want it to display a message box with the answer. The problem is, I am unsure how to add the twp values from th...

Java: Format number in millions

Is there a way to use DecimalFormat (or some other standard formatter) to format numbers like this: 1,000,000 => 1.00M 1,234,567 => 1.23M 1,234,567,890 => 1234.57M Basically dividing some number by 1 million, keeping 2 decimal places, and slapping an 'M' on the end. I've thought about creating a new subclass of N...

How to select all text in Winforms NumericUpDown upon tab in?

When the user tabs into my NumericUpDown I would like all text to be selected. Is this possible? ...

Where is the WPF Numeric UpDown control?

Getting into the first serious WPF project. It seems like there are a lot of basic controls flat out missing. Specifically, I am looking for the Numeric UpDown control. Was there an out of band release that I missed? Really don't feel like writing my own control. I do not want to use the WindowsFormHost and plop a WinForm ctl on i...

What is the best method to get a number from an user?

Hello all, I was wondering for a small list of numbers [1..20], what kind of control will you advise to prompt the user for his selection. I was thinking of a NumericUpDown control but it does not exist for WebForm and to make matters worse, I am deploying on a Pylons application (Python Framework) Do you feel a DropDown control will s...

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

I'm looking to accept digits and the decimal point, but no sign. I've looked at samples using the NumericUpDown control for WinForms, and this sample of a NumericUpDown custom control from Microsoft. But so far it seems like NumericUpDown (supported by WPF or not) is not going to provide the functionality that I want. The way my app i...

WinForms: NumericUpDown (.NET CF 3.5) and real numbers

NumericUpDown seems to be only dealing with integers. How can I modify it (?), so I can use doubles as Value and Increment? ...

Can NumericUpDown control do this?

Hi All, I'm experimenting with the NumericUpDown control and have a question regarding its' flexibility. Basically, what I would like to do is display year ranges like so: 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010 Obviously, I would like the control to cycle through a range similar to this when the buttons are pushed. If this is po...

How do I force redisplay of UpDown Boxes?

How can I force the redisplay of the value of the UpDown box? I have an application that has a number of UpDown boxes for setting values of a configuration file before loading the file onto an embedded device. I can load a configuration from the device and display the values in the appropriate UpDown boxes. However, if I delete the co...

Data binding fails when changing numbers on numericUpDown

Hi. I have a databinding like this: numericUpDown1.DataBindings.Add("Value", myBox1, "Width"); Whenever myBox1.Width changes it will update numericUpDown1.Value. The problem is when entering new numbers on the control, myBox1.Width will not be updated immediately, but only after the cursor leaves the text area of the control. Is...

C# Visual Studio 2008 NumericUpDown PopUp Menu Removal

MenuPic Greetings. I am using the NumericUpDown control on my application. When I right click mouse on any of these controls the popup menu shows up as displayed in the above link. How do I remove this menu please? Thanks. ...

Internet explorer8 not showing Numeric up down extender

Hi all, In my project im using numeric up down extender, when i run my program numeric up down extender was displayed in firefox but not in Internet explorer 8. Give me a solution. ...

ModalPopUp NumericUpDownExtender Problem

My Code is: <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" CssClass="modalPopup" runat="server"> <div id="modal" runat="server"> <asp:TextBox ID="Tex...

Winforms: Embedded NumericUpDown control inside ListView

say in my ListView say with 4 columns (Description, Price Per Unit, Quantity, Total Price). I would like to make the third column editable, and embedded NumericUpDown control for the Quantity column. Is it possible? And when the Quantity is updated via the NumericUpDown control, the Total Price is also being updated based on Total Price...

Retrieving "invalid" value from a NumericUpDown Validating event

When the user enters a value above numericUpDown.Maximum, the control's value is automatically set to the maximum. I'd like to display a MessageBox when this occurs, but I'm not able to do that because control.Value and control.Text already contain the automatically set value, maximum, when Validating event is raised. private void numer...

Stagger increments in C# NumericUpDown control

Hi cloud of wisdom :-) I am facing some trouble trying to configure a particular configuration for a NumericUpDown control in c#. Basically, I have seen that I can set the Increment interval, but I would like to manage the Increment interval depending on which arrow is clicked (up or down). I have checked the events of the control, but...

TextBox control template with buttons

How to improve control template for custom numericupdown? <Style TargetType="{x:Type Controls:FloatTextBoxPicker}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Controls:FloatTextBoxPicker}"> <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> ...

Problem with NumericUpDown type

When i do something like this: public static void BindData<T>(this System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection controls, T bind) { foreach (Control control in controls) { if (control.GetType() == typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TextBox) || control.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)...