



When the user enters a value above numericUpDown.Maximum, the control's value is automatically set to the maximum. I'd like to display a MessageBox when this occurs, but I'm not able to do that because control.Value and control.Text already contain the automatically set value, maximum, when Validating event is raised.

private void numericUpDown_Validating(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
       NumericUpDown control = sender as NumericUpDown;
       decimal newValue = control.Value;

       // decimal newValue;
       // decimal.TryParse(control.Text, out newValue)

       if (newValue > control.Maximum || newValue < control.Minimum)
            // MessageBox




+1  A: 

Nagging the user by slapping her with message boxes doesn't make for the greatest user interface. But you can easily do it just by setting the min and max smaller/larger and checking the value in the ValueChanged event.

Hans Passant