



Hi, i'm trying to get a UIActivityIndicatorView to "appear and animate" when a user scrolls to the bottom of a UITableView….

Upon reaching the bottom of the table view, a web-request is made that will take a few seconds to complete and then the UIActivityIndicatorView should "stop and hide"

I'm triggering the appearance of the UIActivityIndicatorView using tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:

List item

But the problem is that the UIActivityIndicatorView doesn't appear on the iPhone screen until after the entire method (i.e., tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:) is called, and by then it's also already hidden.

Any ideas as to how to:

  1. show the indicator view
  2. make the web request
  3. hide the indicator view?

new thread? better way?


specifically, my function looks like this

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    if (self.results && indexPath.row == [self.results count] - 1) {
        [self.loadingSignal setHidden:NO]; // <====== my UIActivityIndicatorView is called "loadingSignal"
        [self.loadingSignal startAnimating];

    /// make web request that will take a few seconds

        [self.loadingSignal setHidden:YES];
        [self.loadingSignal stopAnimating];


Okay. From your above snippet of code, I see a few problems:

  1. You seem to plan on waiting for the request to finish before displaying a cell. This has a few negative points to it: it's annoying to the user and will most likely freeze the UI while the request goes out (which may take several seconds).
  2. Everything happens within the willDisplayCell method.

Here's how I think you should solve this problem:

  1. Have will display cell trigger loading asynchronously.
  2. Display a cell that says "Loading..." with your spinner on it (see Tweetie 2 for inspiration)
  3. Wait for the call-back from your request
  4. Populate your model with the response
  5. Remove the "Loading..." cell
  6. Force a reload of your data [tableView reloadData]

This should allow you to achieve what you want to do.

could you elaborate on step 1?
wonderful. this is working perfectly! thank you.

You can try doing so in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method of the UITableView
