
Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers ?

I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following instances. When my UIViewController presents a popover controller, an action sheet, or another view controller as modal, am I required to hang onto a retained reference to that child controller until it's been dismissed? In other words, do the following lin...

Password protect iPhone app

I'm starting a new app, and I'd like to know how to require a password to open it. I've been researching on Google and the Apple Dev Forums and haven't found anything. I was considering a UIActionSheet in the application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the app delegate implementation file, but am unsure how to go about doing so....

Action Sheet shown in self.view doesnt autorotate with device

action sheet shown in self.view doesnt autorotate with device. Tried "showFromToolbar" option also. Any suggestions?? ...

UIActionView Opens Higher than it Should

I have an Action Sheet that is called from my root view controller using the code below. That view has a Toolbar on the bottom of the view measuring 44 pixels high. The problem is when the Action Sheet opens it's not at the bottom of the view, the bottom of the Action View is about 20 or so pixels above the bottom of the view so some of ...

UIActionSheet truncates long strings! Alternatives?

I have a UIActionSheet which gives the user a few standard choices. The text on the buttons, however, does not cleverly scale down like a text field though when there's too much-- it just truncates with an ellipsis. I need to say a little more in on of my action sheet buttons than there's room for. I don't see any way of changing the ac...

TTActionSheetController adding a UIPicker

I know how to add a uipicker to a uiactionsheet, how can one be added to the ttactionsheetcontroller? I see a reference to actionSheet within the controller, but setting the bounds to accommodate the uipicker doesn't seem to have any affect. And ideas? Best, Ward ...

How to left-justify the title of UIActionSheet

Is it possible to left-justify the title text of a UIActionSheet? Thanks! ...

Why Is Bottom Half of Custom UIActionSheet with UIDatePicker Disabled?

Everything seems to be working great with my UIActionSheet that contains a UIDatePicker except that the bottom half of the DatePicker is disabled. Visually there is a shadow that makes the bottom half of the picker darker than the top half. Everything in the bottom half is disabled and I can't for the life of me figure out how to enable ...

iOS4 creating two UIActionSheets, 3.1.3 creating one? Why?

The code below creates one UIActionSheet in XCode 3.2.2, iPhone OS 3.1.3. Embedded in the Action Sheet is a date picker. But it seems create two sheets in XCode 3.2.3, iOS4, with one overlaid on the other. Also, I get this error in the console (again, only with XCode 3.2.3, iOS4): wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003 What ...

UiactionSheet with Uipickerview

Why Scroll is not smooth when used uiactionsheet with Uipickerview ...

How to infer sizes and avoid magic sizing numbers

Following on the heels of this question, I'd like to know how to remove the magic numbers in lines like: CGRect pickerFrame = CGRectMake(0, 40, 0, 0); closeButton.frame = CGRectMake(260, 7.0f, 50.0f, 30.0f); [actionSheet setBounds:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 485)]; or UIDatePicker *theDatePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] initWithFrame:CGRect...

UIApplication & the UIActionSheetDelegate protocol

After looking over the UIApplication class reference, I noticed that the singleton conforms to the UIActionSheetDelegate protocol. Why does it conform to that protocol in particular? And why not say to the alert view delegate...or any other protocols for that matter? ...

Integrating a TabBar and an ActionSheet appears, without disabling the TabBar..

Hi folks! I have been having this problem which has costed me lots of time. I am still lost.. This is something I am seeking to do (Refer to the "Main Page" pic): http://www.netbanker.com/2009/04/mastercard_launches_atm_hunter_iphone_app.html I want an Actionsheet to rise from the TabBar, without disabling it. I have tried many diffe...

The title of the action sheet disappear form the view?

When button numbers of action sheet are more than 7, the title disappear from the view? How can i show it in the current view? ...

UIActionSheet does not show -- the screen just gets darker

I have an iPhone application which is based on the "Window based application" template and which uses a main view with some embedded subviews. For some action I need a confirmation by the user. Therefore, I create an UIActionSheet and ask the user for feedback. The problem is, that the action sheet does not show at all. Instead, the sc...

iPhone UIActionSheet with multiple red, destructive buttons

UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" destructiveButtonTitle:@"Delete Today's Data" otherButtonTitles:@"Delete Week's Data",@"Delete Month's Data",nil]; Is there an easy to have more than 1 red "destructive button" in an i...

Is it possible to somehow save UIActionSheet indexes?

Hi, I would like to use an ActionSheet for sorting options in an app containing many table views with navigation controllers. My problem is that I cant seem to keep the last selected index on the sheet after poping back one level or quitting the app. The index value defaults back to 0 and I just cant seem to change its initial value. It...

iPhone: Handle multiple action sheets

One of my views uses 3 action sheets that come from when various buttons are clicked. Since I only have one - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex method, what is the best way to know which action sheet I am dealing with? Choosing the first button on any of my actionSheets would...

dismiss UIActionSheet when App goes in background on iOS4

In the app I am working on, I have action sheets and alert views which I would like dismissed when app enters the inactive/ background state. I am using the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification instead of the UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification as I want the code to be compatible with iOS3.2. -(void)applicationWillResign...

UIActionSheet positioning problem within ScrollView

I'm trying to display a ActionSheet when a screen is touched within scrollview. The action sheet pops fine within 1st page. But on subsequent pages, the screen becomes dark and doesn't displaying anything... as if actual button is displaying on the off screen. I played around with frame positioning of UIActionSheet.. but it doesn't see...