
UIDatePicker in PopoverView in iPad

I have an iPad specific application running iOS 3.2.2 which displays a settings view in a ui popover. This all renders great, but now I'm trying to get a date picker to render inside the view and not sure what the best approach is for displaying it. Right now it has a button which toggles visibility of the date picker within the modal,...

Setting bounds for UIActionSheet?

I have a UIActionSheet and would like to adjust (increase) its width to accommodate the text of the buttons that it contains. The width of these buttons is determined at runtime and could change during runtime. I have mucked around with [[actionSheet superview] superview] to get the containing UIPopoverView, but changing its frame doesn...

uiview like actionsheet

Hi friends, Is it possible to show uiview like actionsheet on presentmodalviewcontroller(i.e. that is uiview should go top but it should not go fully and it should be half) so that i view the last view controller on screen. Thanks in advance. Regards, sathish ...

add next and previous button in Uiactionsheet

Hi i have number of UItextfield and on focus of them i am create Uiactionsheet with Uipickerview on them.So my question is that on click next and previous button on actionsheet focus of textfield is change and according to that uipicker view is also change ...

UIActionsheet on Landscape mode in iPad.

I have a Single toolbar on the top of Detail View Controller as shown above. I presented an action sheet from the bar button item which is last but one in the top bar. My Question is: It is presented correctly on portrait mode ,But(only) in the landscape mode, the action sheet's up arrow points to the next bar button ( M...

iPhone, object on a picket sheet how do I detect when the action sheet is closed / dismissed ?

How can I determine when an action sheet has closed or has been dismissed ? I've followed this topic http://stackoverflow.com/questions/349858/fitting-a-uidatepicker-into-a-uiactionsheet and added a picker view to an action sheet. However the didSelectRow event is called while action sheet is still open. I want to update some data in ...

Is there any way to change the title font size in a UIActionSheet?

The font is very small and hard for some to read so I'd like to make it closer to the font size used on the buttons below it. ...

How to determine whether cameraDevice is available?

In my current application I have allowed the user to submit an image to an image service online. I allow the user to select from either their Photo Album or take a picture with the Camera. However, I have an issue. If the device that is being used doesn't have a camera and the user selects to take a photo, the application crashes. I nee...

Dismiss UIACTIONSHEET before device rotate!

In portaint Actionsheet show in tabbar. In landscape - in window. I heed do remove UIActionSheet from tabbar before rotate, for after rotate show in wondow. Inside – willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration dismiss action sheet dont work. Please help me! ...

Proper way to connect UIActionSheet options to actions

While using a UIActionSheet in an iphone app, the typical methods of matching actions to buttons seem very fragile and aesthetically unpleasant. Perhaps its due to my minimal C/C++ background (more Perl, Java, Lisp and others). Matching on button indexes just seems like too many magic numbers and too disconnected to avoid simple logica...

Adding UITextView in UIActionSheet

// I did the following code, but when keyboard press some letter, the pressed letter does not appear on the UITextView ? AnyOne have suggestion on this ? plz `** UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc]initWithTitle:@"" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"button1",butt...

iPad - How can I make my UIActionSheet look like the thin one in safari?

The above UIActionSheet is thinner than the normal one. I took the screenshot from Safari when I try to bookmark some website. Mine or the default UIActionSheet in iPad looks like the following. It is thicker than the one in Safari, especially the border. How can I make my own UIActionSheet look like the one in Safari? Do I need to...

ipad: Easy way to customise the UIActionSheet look & feel to be like the one in Safari?

Hello all This is the default look & feel of UIActionSheet. The border of the view is very thick with black colors, the overall looking is very bold and heavy. This is the one Safari has You can see that the border is very thin, and overall looking is more light and simpler Can someone tell me how do i customise the default UIA...