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I have a Single toolbar on the top of Detail View Controller as shown above.

I presented an action sheet from the bar button item which is last but one in the top bar.

My Question is: It is presented correctly on portrait mode ,But(only) in the landscape mode, the action sheet's up arrow points to the next bar button ( My own info button). I cant even guess why this happens in landscape mode. can you say whats wrong? or what is the recommended method for presenting actionsheet from barbuttonitem.

Some more info about the top bar, to understand the scenario ,

I have declared those bar buttons in .h file and,

I present them using,

[actionSheet showFromBarButtonItem:barButtonItem animated:YES];

I am sure about the button from which it is presented. It is NOT Wrongly pointed to next button due to orientation changes. Have logged them , checked the bar button id.They are same.

The Toolbar consist of 5 bar button items. left side two buttons, third button is of type UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace and another two buttons in the right side.

The "welcome" is a text label, and added as a subview of toolbar.

The first button is removed from the bar, as a default behaviour of Split view Controller.

Can anyone help me regarding this?