
Iphone - UIToolbar automatic position

I have an application where a UIToolBar is to be constantly on the bottom side of the screen. No matter the device orientation. The toolbar must have the same screen width and always be justified to the bottom side. If the device rotates, the toolbar has to assume the new width and continue to be justified on the bottom. Is there a w...

Using a UIWebView, can I use a custom font?

I've seen all the talk on the web about the difficulty of using a custom font in iPhone OS. Is it possible, to load a font from within my bundle into the UIWebView component? EDIT: I saw it in the app called "Omer" by "Rusty Brick"... It seems to be a web view, because I see a delay and during the loading delay the custom area is white....

iPhone SDK - Implement Tap to Scroll feature on ImageScrollView

SDK: xCode 3.2 Device: iPhone 3GS OS 3.13 / iPad Case: In Apple Sample Library [ScrollViewSuite]. The [2_Autoscroll] project. In [ThumbImageView], We can drag and drop to scroll the view. So that we can see any menu item by touch the screen and do moving. How to implement this feature in [TagDetectingImageView] ? I have try to co...

forwarding a notification to another class

I am using this method - (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification that is triggered when the keyboard shows. When this method is triggered, it receives a notification that contains several parameters about the keyboard, as the animation duration, animation curve and frame. I need to forward this notification and all its ...

Building against 3.x SDK in Xcode 3.2.3 for iPhone only app?

Is it possible? Because if I build against SDK 4.0, my app goes wacko, doing silly things and generally not working properly. If I build against 3.2 however, it works splendidly, but I get a warning saying: [BWARN]warning: building with 'Targeted Device Family' set to iPhone only ('1') not supported with SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 3.2'....

UIActionSheet does not show -- the screen just gets darker

I have an iPhone application which is based on the "Window based application" template and which uses a main view with some embedded subviews. For some action I need a confirmation by the user. Therefore, I create an UIActionSheet and ask the user for feedback. The problem is, that the action sheet does not show at all. Instead, the sc...