
Using a UIWebView, can I use a custom font?

I've seen all the talk on the web about the difficulty of using a custom font in iPhone OS. Is it possible, to load a font from within my bundle into the UIWebView component? EDIT: I saw it in the app called "Omer" by "Rusty Brick"... It seems to be a web view, because I see a delay and during the loading delay the custom area is white....

sarhan custom font space problem

I am using sarhan custom font . But the space character is not reflecting in to the text. It's just replacing to next character in place of space. Is there any way to fix this issue? ...

custom arabic font in ios.

Dears, I 'm a novice in iphone programming. I am trying to make an iphone App that displays mainly Arabic language content. I want to use a custom arabic font for displaying that content, not the iphone default arabic font. I used the following code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [arabicLabel setFont: [UIFont fontW...

How do I import a particular custom font weight for the iPad?

Hi, I'm having trouble importing a specific font weight into my iPad project. I've managed to get custom fonts embedded using the info.plist file and referring to them using CTFontCreateWithName, but I'm having trouble now it comes to using a specific font weight. The file is called "UniveConBol.ttf" but in the installed font is just na...

How to change font face of Webview in Android?

I want change the default font of webview to a custom font. I'm using webview in developing an bilingual browser app for Android. I tried getting an instance of custom typeface by placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried: Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(g...

Injecting CSS rules into the page in Android Browser

I'm writing a JavaScript to inject a new CSS rule into pages in Android browser in order to display some text in a custom CSS font (after some replacement). Here is how I tried to inject the CSS rule: var css = '@font-face {font-family:"font"; src:url(;} si{font-family:"font"}'; if(document.getElementsBy...

Best way to display barcodes from NSString

Hi All, Just wondering what is the best way to display a barcode given a string on the iPhone. I have looked over stackoverflow and google and a few people have different ways each requiring a decent amount of work (I think) and also slightly old so I wanted to get it right first time. One way I've read is using a custom font that you ...