
UIPickerView not displaying

I have a UIPickerView on a UIView. I've implemented its protocol in the .h and delegates in the .m files: <UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate> In IB, I've connected the above to the picker, which I also have an IBoutlet for. The methods look like this: - (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePicker...

table to updated after selection with uipicker

An UIPicker shows up when I select a row in a table, so I can choose some things I want to be displayed on the same row. How can I update the table once I finished with the uipicker? I used reloadData right after the call to the picker, but the code is executed before I do "Done" on the picker. Some idea? Thank u ...

Multiple Row Selection in UIPickerView

hi frends, Today I have a problem related to uipicker. I want to select multiple rows in picker, so I have an idea to show my data in a table and add this table as subview to picker. I have tried a lot but didn't succeed. Please help if u can?? Thanx Ankit ...

TTActionSheetController adding a UIPicker

I know how to add a uipicker to a uiactionsheet, how can one be added to the ttactionsheetcontroller? I see a reference to actionSheet within the controller, but setting the bounds to accommodate the uipicker doesn't seem to have any affect. And ideas? Best, Ward ...

UIButton and UIPicker

Is there any reason adding a UIPicker to a view might somehow rob a programatically created button of its functionality? I initially instantiated a UIButton to take me to a different view, and all was well and fine. Then I went ahead and added a UIPicker to the same view with the purpose of selecting a few key fields which could then b...

Popup UIPicker instead of keyboard

Hello, I want a UIPicker to popup instead of the keyboard when I click on a text field. Is this possible, I've been googling for awhile but can't find anything. Does anyone have any sample code ? Regards, Stephen ...

Two pickers in a view -iphone app

I am using two UIPickers in a view. first picker has 3 components and second has one. but when I select items, it shows correct items from first picker but always return first item from second picker regardless of selected row. Please help. here is the code I am using. -(NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerVi...

Customizing UIPickerView component background

Hi all! What are some of the ways you can customize the UIPickerView's component background image (the dials)? ...

Setting initial value in the UIPicker

Hello, I have a number of UIPickers in my app. I have them setup that when the user taps on a text control, the picker appears and the user can select a value. That value is then displayed in the text field, but I want the text field to be populated with the initial value when UIPicker appears. At the moment the text field is not popula...

UIPicker - Initial value problem

Hello, I have a UIPicker with 3 components containing numeric values, this allows the user to set the time in hh:mm:ss format. If I select the hour from the first component my UITextField looks like this: 10:(null):(null). The (null) can be removed when the user selects the appropriate mm and ss. But if the user just wants to enter 10 h...

[iPhone] handle picker in UIAutomation

Hi, I have picker view with only one component, and 5 values in the component. I could get the number of wheels , and values in the component, as below var picker = window.pickers(); UIALogger.logMessage("picker array count: " + picker.length); var pickerWheels = picker[0].wheels(); var pickerWheelsValues =pickerWheels[0].values(); ...

UIPickerView - How to make certain rows unselectable and grayed out.

I am creating my own UIPickerview for dates as I need only Months and Days and do not want years, so I cannot use UIDatePicker. When different months are selected I cannot seem to replicate the way UIDatepicker gray's out the unavailable days. For example: when November is selected days 1-30 are selectable but 31 is not when using the U...