detailsview how to add items programmatically to detailsview

I have the following code for each lookup table. So far I am doing copy/paste for each drop down list control. But I think there is a better way of doing this. I should be able to specify DataTextField, DataValueField, control names etc. Of course I will have to manually add configuration related database values on the database side like...

Insert BoundField into DetailsView

Basically I have a detailsview, dependent on what query it is I have certain BoundFields I'd like to show or hide. Using visual basic, I know that I can use .visible = false. That does the trick, however, it sacrifices my alternating row style in the process. Any ideas? Thanks By the way if you write it in C# I will probably understa... add templatefield items for many dropdownlist to detailsview control

How can I add the following templatefield programmatically for each of the dropdownlist control inside the details view? <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Your Gender"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlGender" runat="server" DataSourceid="ddlDAGender" DataTextField="Ge... how to add TemplateField programmatically for about 10 dropdownlist...

This is my third time asking this question. I am not getting good answers regarding this. I wish I could get some help but I will keep asking this question because its a good question and SO experts should not ignore this... So I have about 10 dropdownlist controls that I add manually in the DetailsView control manually like follows. I ...

Adding TemplateField to DetailsView

How do I add TemplateField control to the beginning of the DetailsView Fields collection? Here is my code.. TemplateField tf = new TemplateField(); ... ... dv.Fields.Add(tf); This adds to the very end of the DetailsView control. I tried dv.Fields(0) but there is no Add method available. I noticed that we have dv.Fields.RemoveAt but w...

Keep getting extra added in details view

I am unable to edit Gender lookup field. I am having problem with post back edits. Every time I edit, the row YourGender keeps getting repeated. I am getting null values for GenderLookup value field. What is the right way to populate dynamically this look up in detailsview control. How does the get request and post back request with this...

CSS and selecting last td

Summary: Every field rows of detailsview have 2 td and their first td can apply left border. But second one (so the rightest cell of field tr(row)) couldn't applied. Even i tried .dvRowEven td:nth-last-child(even) or .dvRowOdd td:last-of-type Now my full message: Hi, I am trying to write css for DetailsView ( control). ...

ASP.NET Setting a DetailsView BoundField value from javascript

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to set a field of a DetailsView BoundField (in edit mode) from javascript? I can't set an id for the boundfield, so obviously can't use document.getElementById() to get to it, but I was wondering if there's another way to do it? ...

Finding usercontrol in templatefield Detailsview

I have a DetailsView that I'm posting back - and inside of that is a UserControl. I'm having some difficulty located it in the postback data. As an example: <asp:DetailsView ID="dvDetailsView" runat="Server" AutoGenerateRows="false"> <Fields> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> Some text here </ItemTemplate> <EditIte...

Validator automatically on after AsyncPostBack detailsview

I have put update panel in detailsview insert template, in which put 2 controls(textbox and dropdown) and a button and on click of button, I have clear the textbox and clear seletion of dropdown, validator automatically on after postback, this should not be? Have any one solution of this problem? If I not use detials and put these contro...

How to select second td in detailsview datarow?

I am trying create a new css for shaping my detailsview. But i couldn't reach to second td in detailsviews field rows. do you have any idea to access 2nd td? But please imagine belov code generated by detailsview. <table> <thead> ... </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type='text' id='txtName' /></td> ...

Custom control rendering in a details view row (ASP.NET)

In one of the rows of a details view control I want to be able to chose what control is to be rendered on edit mode. Basically I have to render a checkbox in one situation, while in another I have to render a text box. Other rows are How can I achieve this, I am a beginner so links and code snippets would be very helpful? ...

How can i add border to the detailsview commandrow cell?

i have a problem on below image: I have detailsview, but i can't show border left and right on commandrow cell. Here is the css codes: .dvCommandRow td { border-right: solid 1px #B4B4B2; border-left: solid 1px #B4B4B2; text-align: right; padding: 5px; /* border:solid 1px #B4B4B2; I deleted but still problem cont...

How to detect that DetailsView displays not a data but EmptyDataText

I have a DetailsView and few buttons on my page. So I want to hide them if DetailsView displays not a data but just a value if EmptyDataText property. How can I do that? I found only one way - view.Rows[0].Cells.Count == 1 because if the data is displayed, more then one columns presents. But I don't like such method. ...

binding array to Repeater in Detailsview control

Is there any way to bind below object to the DetailsView with a repeater control as one of the items in item template: Name, address and age binds, but I can't get others to bind. I am able to set the source of repeater control to the Array (DataSource = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FriendArray")%>') in the markup. The data...

How to programmatically set parameters for EntityDataSource and DetailsView ?

Im stumped! What is the best way to programmatically set a selecting parameter for the EntityDataSource control? Specifically, I want to use the Page.User.ProviderUserKey to get a record in a custom User Details table I have, for a DetailsView. I've seen code using the asp:ControlParameter to pull a value from a control, but that almo...

How come the gridView Page is not inserting or updating or refreshing. What am I doing wrong?

How come the gridView Page is not inserting or updating or refreshing. What am I doing wrong? protected void DetailsView1_ItemInserting(object sender, DetailsViewInsertEventArgs e) { using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Utilities.ConnectionString())) using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("uspUpdateDisplayHours", cn)) ...

In ASP.NET how do I find the Control ID of a TextBox that is nested within a DetailsView which is then nested in an AJAX UpdatePanel control ?

n ASP.NET how do I find the Control ID of a TextBox that is nested within a DetailsView which is then nested in an AJAX UpdatePanel control ? The heirachy is: UpdatePanel1 -> dvContentDetail (DetailsView Control) -> TextBox2 I have tried something like the following but just says that the object isn't found: UpdatePanel1.FindControl("...

Gridview row information disappearing after selectedIndexChanged

I have a master/details setup with a GridView and DetailsView both in UpdatePanels. When the DetailsView is edited and updated, I want these changes to be reflected in the GridView, but without rebinding that data (which could change the selectedItem's sort order among other problems it causes) On DetailsView ItemUpdated I have the fol...

Newline in textarea in DetailsView (

I just updated a page to use a DetailsView in It included a MultiLine textbox, which is now in the EditItemTemplate of the details view. The problem is that when outputting this data (which is stored in the database), I was replacing vbCrLf (a new line contant --> VB, Carriage Return, Line Feed) with <br/>, which worked fine b...