
Flex: How do you validate 2 password fields to make sure they match?

I want to use a validator to ensure 2 password fields match in Flex. I want the validator to highlight form fields like a normal flex validation control. Thanks. ...

XHTML bulk Validator for Windows?

I have several hundred (static - no includes or server-side parsing) HTML pages. I would like to validate the HTML (XHTML 1.0 Transitional), but the idea of plugging each of them individually into the W3C Validator - or even using a Firefox plug-in to open each one - fills me with dread. Does anyone know of any (Windows) apps that can d...

Bug in jquery validator setDefaults

When configure defaults options for the validator: $.validator.setDefaults({ errorElement: "em" }); and then simple using like: $("form").validate({}); validator still uses label element and ignore errorElement em that configured in defaults! What can i do in this case, of course putting errorElement for each instance of valid...

Hibernate Validator: EmbeddedId constraint ignored by hbm2ddl

Hi all, Fairly specific question here, but it's been bugging me for a day now: I'm using Hibernate Core, Annotations & Validator on PostgreSQL 8.3. I have the following classes setup: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Entry { @EmbeddedId protected EntryPK entryPK; @ManyToMany priva...

Out of curiosity: How are serial numbers generated? Hints, Algorithms?

I wondering about how serial number generators and validator work. My aim would be to generate a serial number with five parts consisting of numbers and letters only. I enjoy coding as a hobby and would not call myself a professional programmer. However, I am very interested in how those interesting functions work technically to broaden...

Seam/Hibernate validator listener

Hi, We use a standard SEAM setup here ... complete with the validation system that uses hibernate. Basically what happens is a user enters a value into an html input and seam validates the value they entered using the hibernate validation. Works fine for the most part except here's my problem: We need to record the results of validati...

Validator automatically on after AsyncPostBack detailsview

I have put update panel in detailsview insert template, in which put 2 controls(textbox and dropdown) and a button and on click of button, I have clear the textbox and clear seletion of dropdown, validator automatically on after postback, this should not be? Have any one solution of this problem? If I not use detials and put these contro...

nHibernate Validator custom IMessageInterpolator

Has anyone managed to get a custom IMessageInterpolator working to enable customisation of error messages. I have tried following the instructions on this web page but to no avail. Looking into the code the DefaultMessageInterpolator seems pretty baked into the ...

looking for a link validator

Hi! I'm looking for a good link validator with a list where I can exclude URLS with wildcards. ...

Custom Validator with an OR Condition

Hi all, Right now i have an 2.0 app which allows a user to search by the following fields Location (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) Address (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) Zip (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) **OR** IDNumber. (Required if there is nothing in any of the ot...

NHibernate Validator using other languages

How do I get NHibernate Validator to use other language than English for it's messages? There are several languages included, but I always get my messages in English. I have tried setting culture but nothing helps. Any help? regards, Jan ...

Is there an open source CSS validator that can be run locally?

I want to check internal web pages, so I cannot use the W3C validation service directly. I managed to run the XHTML validator locally, however, I have some problems with the css-validator. I do not really want to setup Tomcat or Jigsaw in order to be able to run Java servlet, and the commandline option give me an error message Exception...

JQuery validator callout plugin updatepanel

I am using this plugin: This controls to be validated are inside an updatepanel. Before posting back everything works fine, after a async postback the callout plugin messes up. I'm initializing the plugin like so: $(document).ready(function() { $.updnValidatorCallout.attachAl...

xml validator source code in C

Hi, I am looking for a C source snippet to validate XML string fromat. ex: Generalised source which checks for xml formatting. 10 must give an error for format. Thnx ...

[jQuery Validator] help with custom positioning error messages

Hello, I'm playing with the great Bassistance jQuery Validator and am stuck at a point The idea is simple: I have lot of this markup (I semplify, but the idea is that after each there could be something else, i.e. a word, an icon, etc... that is "inline" with the corresponding): <ol> <li><input type="text" id="width" size="3"></input> ...

Regular expression for date time format "MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss AM/PM" in regular expression validator

Can anyone tell me the regular expression format for "MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss AM/PM" to use it in a regular expression validator, in 2.0 ...

JQuery Validator Updated Password

I have a form which have three fields Old Password New Password Confirm Password These fields are optional and only mandatory when user enter some text into New Password How can i apply jQuery Validator plugin for the same. jQuery.validator.addMethod("pass2", function(value,element,param) { var op=document.forms[0].oldpa... 3.5 EnableValidator javascript problem

I have the following javascript function on a page that is hosted on iis6 on win2k3 sp2 64 bit. The application is 3.5 and this is the only page in the app. This code works fine on a developer machine and on one of our server environments but fails with a null reference exception on "ValidatorEnable" on another server environment...

jQuery Validator, Regex, and null

I am using jquery-1.3.2.js with the jquery.validate.js plugin and I am using the following code to try and validate an optional time field. $.validator.addMethod('time', function(value) { return /(^([0-9]|[0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(\s{0,1})(AM|PM|am|pm|aM|Am|pM|Pm{2,2})$)|(^([0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])(\s{0,1})(AM|PM|am|pm|aM|Am...

Two Submit buttons in one form

I have a form which has got five (5) file input controls along with other controls. This form also has got two (2) submit buttons. I have used JQuery Validation plugin to validate form inputs. Name of one submit button is "Upload_Images" and name of another is "Upload_Project". What I want to do is that if user clicks on "Upload_Image...