



I have currently an enviroment with Django + Apache via mod_python. How can I use Staticgenerator without nginx, just with Apache and mod_python? Thank you.


Perhaps this page from the webfaction forum will help:


Staticgenerator is designed to be used with a front-end http server. The example configuration as shown on the Github Staticgenerator page is using Nginx as the front-end http server and Apache as the back-end http server.

If you want a static website generator that isn't specifically designed to be used with a front-end http server, you might want to look at Hyde. Hyde is Django powered and statically generates the webpages, which are then placed in a deploy directory. Hyde came out of the developer, Lakshmi Vyas, wanting a Django based Jekyll, which is a static website generator written in Ruby. Lakshmi Vyas did look into Staticgenerator prior to developing Hyde but decided to roll his own.

Matthew Rankin
Apache is not just a "back end" server by any means. I work for a company that uses Apache as their front end server for over 45,000,000 per month.
@orokusaki: I was by no means implying that Apache is *just* a back-end server. I was simply citing the sample configuration of Staticgenerator, which uses Nginx as the front-end http server and Apache as the back-end http server.
Matthew Rankin