



First, let me agree this is not about programming. This is more about Financial Industry Architecture, and OpenStandards. It requires some exposure to banking (and financial) industry.

When I was preparing for TOGAF exam, I came across Open Standard available for DataModel, Service Model, Architecture for many industries.

(Example: ARTS has defined a data model for the Retail industry. Energistics has defined a data model for the Petrotechnical industry. FPL Defined fix protocol for trading. SWIFT & ISO has some standard about Interbank Messaging.)

I would like to know from this community What are all the OpenStandard - "protocol, datamodel, servicemodel" which you work with in Financial Industry? How many of them are really "Open" and widely used

+5  A: 

Here are three widely used standards:

Most standards are "member-owned" by organizations like ISDA, SWIFT or FPL that you can join. Many standards are free as in beer, although the companies usually earn money with reference implementations and other services.
