



I'm guessing that you have written some PHP, but are trying to run it locally without a server - for PHP to work you need a server. XAMPP is a good bet to do this locally, or you'll need to upload your file to some hosting that supports PHP.

Rich Bradshaw
at first i thoguht he wanted to do a <marquee> <?php echo file_name[] ?> </marquee>

I'm thinking why you're having trouble with it is because you just copy and pasted the code in a .html file and opening it on your local environment.

With that said, in order for it to run locally, you have to install php and a http server. The code is done on server side, not client side. So either get a hosting service that supports php or download and install your own server and php.

Also, if you already have the above, the code has to be surrounded by a < ?php and ? > tags(without spaces). If you're running it on cli, then you need to make sure you give it execution permission with the path to php, OR execute php < name of script >.

Last, the code you presented provides major security flaws. The first of which is where will the "$dir_path" variable be set? Will that be user given, or will you specify the variable?

Whenever you allow users to view your file system, always make sure you give limitations to it. For example, let's say you did this:

looks innocent enough, but a clever hacker could say let me try....

And so fort.

So be careful and don't allow users to specify directories or execute code.
