




I'm trying to learn how to set up Webtrends Analytics to segment paid search properly. I've dug up the fact that you need to pass "WT.srch=1" over in the url from the advert, but are there other parameters which you can use to segment:

  • Campaign
  • Adgroup
  • Ad network

I know you can do this with Google Analtics at the drop of a button using the various UTM tags, but Webtrends seems to use the proprietary WT. tags.

Yet I can only find one tag... wtf :P

Anyone able to help? Thanks! H

+2  A: 

The answer was to use the campaign ID's built into webtrends. You need to define the various campaigns in WebTrends, and then make sure you you the same ID numbers on the end of the urls you set up in your PPC campaign.

WT.mc_ID= xxxxyyyyzzzz


Remember to use the translation file "campaign.csv" to solve the WT.mc_id into campaign name, partner, placement, offer...

You find it in storage/config/wtm_wtx/datfiles close to the products.csv, if you use WebTrends Software
