



Normally each person takes their own "calligraphy" to write code, however, is there a "standard" or any way that you feel clear and easy to allow the code becomes "readable" by any programmer who is using your code?

Personally I use (a simple example):

if (myVar == 5)
    // easy to identify where the IF was launched, IMHO.

Instead of:

if(myVar == 5){

For the languages that have a community standard (Python's PEP008 for example), you follow that. For other languages, the answer isn't as easy.

+2  A: 

This is a topic that starts as much of a debate as which is the right end of an boiled-egg to open first.


One recommendation: When you edit any pre-existing source file, stick to whatever convention is currently in place (assuming that there is one)


Doesn't really matter as long as it's universal throughout the application.

If you're going to put the { on the same line as the call, then do it EVERYWHERE.

Much like in baseball. As long as the umpite keeps the strike zone consistent, everyone is happy.

Jack Marchetti

Code Complete goes over your exact example. It comes down to a matter of preference, expect to see both and learn to read both. The book is a great reference for your question

As far as your example, I prefer the second method you specified, and for C#, StyleCop enforces having your brackets on seperates line like that. I follow the StyleCop suggestions for everything as I can understand the reasoning behind them, with the result being clear-to-read code.

Will Eddins

No, each developer has a personal style which they're most comfortable in.
Some developers have similiar styles, but there isn't one standard way.

The best you'll get is a defined standard, which everyone is expected to follow.
This will feel comfortable to some, and uncomfortable to others, based on how close it is to their own personal style.
