I use this to toggle my div elements, and hide all them when the DOM is ready...
$('input:image').click( function() {
var nr = $(this).attr('id').substr(7,2);
$('div.showhide' + nr).toggle(400);
I have dinamically created div elements with class showhide0;showhide1;showhide2...etc... Inside the DIV tags i have search boxes.
- first when page is loaded all DIV tags hide...
- i toggle one of them to shown
- start a search, so the page is reload with the result of query..
Of course all DIV is hide again, 'coz the page is reloaded. Unfortunatelly...
Is it possible to not hide again after i searched something? It would be nice when i open the page, all DIV are hide, but after then just when i toggle it....
Thank you for all advise..