



Suppose I want entries in the table Regions to have a type, e.g. a city, a country etc. What's the accepted way of storing this type, assuming I'll be using O/RM (NHibernate in my case) ? I see two options:

  • Have an enum in the C# bussines layer with the types and store the type as a tinyint in the table.
  • Have a lookup table RegionTypes with the type identifiers (strings or ints) and reference them in the Regions table.

The second approach seems more reasonable from the database point of view, since I have foreign key constraints, plus I can have additional data about the region types, e.g. a city is a child type for country (and since I'm using SQL Server 2008 spatial features, I actually need this information for spatial manipulations). However, looking from the C# point of view, I'll basically have to have an entity RegionType and load it from the database every time i want to assign it to a region (as I understand NHibernate wouldn't allow me to make the type an enum if I store it in a lookup table). This is a little tedious for such a simple task, knowing that region types are basically fixed and unlikely to change.

What about other types, like DayOfWeek which are unlikely to ever change or have additional properties, should they have their lookup tables and entities ?


I usually go with the latter option, though, I'll create a generic sort of set up where items of multiple types can be stored in the same table so that I don't end up with 15 types tables. The basics are something like this

   TypeID int,
   Name varchar(20),
   Description varchar(100)

   ItemID int,
   TypeID int -> Types.TypeID,
   Name varchar(20),
   Description varchar(100),
   Value varchar(100)
Spencer Ruport
This would be a good and valid lookup/reference system, but completely invalid insofar as database relational integrity is concerned.
Philip Kelley
@Philip: How so?
Spencer Ruport
You would not be able to set up a foreign key constraint "into" the lookup table, unless the full primary key (Type + Id) were present in *both* parent and child table. RDBMSs are very good at enforcing relational integrity, and I'd hate to lose that buit-in functionality.
Philip Kelley
@Philip: Some degree of referential integrity can still be maintained. Still, if it's that important to you, an extra field in a table is far easier to maintain than an extra 20 or 30 tables in my opinion.
Spencer Ruport
What's the problem with having 20 or 30 tables? I know in Oracle it's a chore to allocate space for a new table, but that's because it's dinosaur technology from the 1980's.
Bill Karwin
@Bill: If they're necessary there's nothing wrong with 20 or 30 tables. If they're not necessary they just make the database design more complex.
Spencer Ruport
+1  A: 

One reason to use lookup tables is the common use case of displaying the possible values in a menu or something. It's easy to query a lookup table, but less easy if the enum is hard-coded in a database data type or constraint, or in a C# enum.

Bill Karwin
+2  A: 

General rule is to use Enums if you are sure that set of values will never be changed by user. Otherwise it's better to use lookup table.

Alex Kofman