
Country, State, Province WebService?

Are there any good webservices out there that provide good lookup information for Countries and States/Provinces? If so what ones do you use? ...

What webservices do you use regularly and which do you wish were available?

I know that the USPS provides an handy XML over HTTP webservice for address information. What other webservices do you know of and use? What webservices do you wish you could access but can't find? ...

How should I implement a dropdown box which contains a list of items which need to be shown in different languages?

I'm trying to design a form which contains a dropdown box containing a list of grocery item choices. What criteria should I look at when trying to decide on whether to use a java enum or a lookup table? Also, I will need to plan ahead for i18n support for the dropdown strings. ...

best way to represent this lookup table in c#

Hi, I need to represent a lookup table in C#, here is the basic structure: Name Range Multiplier Active 10-20 0.5 What do you guys suggest? I will need to lookup on range and retrieve the multiplier. I will also need to lookup using the name. UPdate It will have maybe 10-15 rows in total. Range is integer date type. ...

Know of a country-nationality list for DB lookup table?

Hi, I'm looking for a list/table of countries/nationalities that I can use in my app. I would like to basically have a lookup table that would be like the following, but including all countries in the world: ID Name Nationality 1 United Kingdom British 2 United Status of America Amer...

How to determine the accuracy of Pi (π)

Optimizing a game we're developing, we're running into the phase where every CPU cycle won counts. We using radians for position calculations of objects circling around other objects and I want to cut the needless accuracy in my lookup tables. For that, we make heavy use of a predefined Pi. How accurate should this Pi be? So, my questio...

Lookup table in Latex

Hi! I have a bunch of automatically generated LaTeX code with hypertargets of the form "functionname_2093840289fad1337", i.e the name of a function with a hash appended. I would like to refer to those functions from the rest of the document by only referring to the function name which I know is unique. I would like a lookup function som...

If I have multiple types of an object, when should object.type be a string and when should it be a foreign key?

Let's say I have books which can be romance, fiction, or mystery. I have 2 realistic options to store this data. One is to have a type column in my books table that is a string with the value "romance", "fiction", or "mystery". The other is to create a book_types table and store the types in there. Then my books would have a type_id ...

Best Practice to querying a Lookup table

I am trying to figure out a way to query a property feature lookup table. I have a property table that contains rental property information (address, rent, deposit, # of bedrooms, etc.) along with another table (Property_Feature) that represents the features of this property (pool, air conditioning, laundry on-site, etc.). The features ...

Storing Large Lookup Tables

I am developing an app that utilizes very large lookup tables to speed up mathematical computations. The largest of these tables is an int[] that has ~10 million entries. Not all of the lookup tables are int[]. For example, one is a Dictionary with ~200,000 entries. Currently, I generate each lookup table once (which takes several minute...

When implementing the repository pattern should lookup value / tables get their own Repository?

I am creating RESTful services for several database entities based on a modified version of the BISDM. Some of these entities have associated lookup tables, such as depicted below: I have decided to use the repository pattern to provide a clean separation between data persistance / retrieval; however, I am not sure how lookups ( as op...

Best way to implement many-to-many lookup table with user-entered data

Say I want users to pick one or more contact methods (email, phone, fax, other, etc). And if they choose other, then they can enter a single contact method of their own. What's the best way to store this in a database? I see three possibilities: Use a set datatype column, plus a single "other_contact" varchar column to store the opt...

Enumerations in the database and O/RM

Suppose I want entries in the table Regions to have a type, e.g. a city, a country etc. What's the accepted way of storing this type, assuming I'll be using O/RM (NHibernate in my case) ? I see two options: Have an enum in the C# bussines layer with the types and store the type as a tinyint in the table. Have a lookup table RegionType...

Mixed types in a logic tree in c#

I have an UGLY logic tree that I'm looking at ways replace with some code generated from a table. It branches based on several thing: the length of a List<AbstractType> the actual types in the list a flags enum My basic idea is to build some kind of decision tree from by input table. For the list length and flags that's easy (a switc...

Member function pointer calls copy constructor?

I'm trying to create a lookup table of member functions in my code, but it seems to be trying to call my copy constructor, which I've blocked by extending an "uncopyable" class. What I have is something like the following. enum {FUN1_IDX, FUN2_IDX, ..., NUM_FUNS }; class Foo { fun1(Bar b){ ... } fun2(Bar b){ ... } ... void (Foo...

How do I get my look up table values in a select box?

Reading along with the agile book, it says this in a footnote: ... You simply pass the select helper the result of doing a find(:all) on your lookup table. Okay ... <%= f.select :source, Source.find(:all) %> My source controller (and therefore table) looks like this: create_table :sources do |t| t.string :source t.times...

Omaha Hi Hand Evaluator

Hi, currently im trying to port Keith Rule's Texas Holdem Hand Evaluator to Omaha Hi: Texas Holdem Evaluator and Analysis More Analysis Part1 More Analysis Part 2 After thinking more about the algorithm, I found a solution which gives me the right percentages for the hands and everyhting is fine.. But it's really really slow. How c...

Can I put constraint on column without referring to another table?

I have a text column that should only have 1 of 3 possible strings. To put a constraint on it, I would have to reference another table. Can I instead put the values of the constraint directly on the column without referring to another table? ...

Best way to flatten/denormalize SQL lookup tables?

I have a bunch of tables like this: Lookup_HealthCheckupRisks ------------ ID Name 1 Anemia 2 Anorexic 3 Bulemic 4 Depression ... 122 Syphilis PatientRisksOnCheckup ------------------ ID CheckupID RiskID 1 11 2 2 11 3 3 12 1 4 14 1 5 14 3 ... But I need a flattened version, like th...

Small Tables in Python?

Let's say I don't have more than one or two dozen objects with different properties, such as the following: UID, Name, Value, Color, Type, Location I want to be able to call up all objects with Location = "Boston", or Type = "Primary". Classic database query type stuff. Most table solutions (pytables, *sql) are really overkill for su...