I'd like to use Hibernate's Criteria API for precisely what everybody says is probably its most likely use case, applying complex search criteria. Problem is, the table that I want to query against is not composed entirely of primitive values, but partially from other objects, and I need to query against those object's id's.
I found this article from 2 years ago that suggests it's not possible. Here's how I tried it to no avail, there are other aspect of Hibernate where I know of where this sort of dot notation is supported within string literals to indicate object nesting.
if (!lookupBean.getCompanyInput().equals("")) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.like("company.company", lookupBean.getCompanyInput() + "%"));
Here's my correctly factored code for accomplishing what I was trying above, using the suggestion from the first answer below; note that I am even using an additional createCriteria call to order on an attribute in yet another associated object/table:
if (!lookupBean.getCompanyValue().equals("")) {
Restrictions.like("company", lookupBean.getCompanyValue() + "%"));
List<TrailerDetail> tdList =