




Books for learning the R language
Understandable documentation about R?
Good intro books for R

I have never used any statistical language and my field (Bioinformatics) demands that I know R, in particular, well. Any suggestions on how to start learning R?


Try this tutorial ...try google, there are plenty online :)


Some of the suggestions in this question might be helpful:

The book, "R Programming for Bioinformatics" seems to be well received based on this review in the Journal of Statistical Software and might be more appropriate considering your domain. Although the review suggests that it has wider appeal.

+1  A: 


and of course all the resources at the CRAN network.

Dirk Eddelbuettel
Not a helpful answer.
Ryan Rosario
Not sound apologetic, but consider that a) it is common practice on stackoverflow to signal to questioners when their question is a duplicate and hence redundant, b) several people essentially supplied the same answer to this question yet you down-voted only one, c) the links to earlier question do answer his questions, as does of course CRAN. So I think you should reconsider the down-vote.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
+2  A: 

Please look at answers to this question, yours may be a duplicate.

Also, you can start from basics --- data import/export and visualization and only after that statistical features. Simple data manipulations can give you understanding and practice with R-specific data structures (vectors, data frames, lists), and you can then learn more advanced features easier.

For graphics, data aggregation & transformation I prefer to use Hadley Wickham's packages reshape and ggplot2. There is Pretty good introduction in exploration data analysis with R and ggplot.

Also R Data Import/Export and Data manipulation with R are both good for tricks with data.

+1  A: 

Paul Geissler (USGS Status & Trends Program) and Tom Philippi (NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program) held a course on R. Course materials and recordings of the presentations are available. From lecture 6 onwards the text book is The R Book.

It starts by showing how to download and install R and the R Commander user interface, but soon picks up speed.

The 14 videos are about 130 MB each.

Peter Mortensen