I put it a bit different. It depens on what you especially want to learn.
1) let's say it's object oriented programmming. Then I suggest a "pure" OO language. that excludes C, D, Ocaml, Common Lisp, Fortran, Cobol, but includes languages like Ruby, Smalltalk, Self, Beta, Io
2) let's say it's to understand how machines work. Than the first choice is Assembler, probably C, C++ or D next
3) let us assume you are looking for languages with largest set of libraries. Then C#, the .NET languages, Java, and maybe Smalltalk would be a good idea
4) if you like to learn functional programming. You have to choose languages like Haskell, Ocaml, ML, Qi, maybe Scheme
5) if you like "practical languages" then you might like to check out Common Lisp, Scheme, the diverse .NET languages Ocaml
6) if you want speed than you probablly want to learn Assembler, C, C++, or OCAML
7) if you like languages which cover more "approaches" then you like to learn Scheme, Common Lisp, Ocaml, Mozart/Oz
8) if you want to formulate your goals and let the machine find it's way to it then you like to learn Prolog
9) if you like concise languages than Forth, and derivates will come in handy.
10) if you like to do much text manipulation you like to learn something like Perl, Tcl/Tk, Ruby, Python the so called scripting languages mainly
11) if you like to have your language on as many OSes as possible then, C, Smalltalk, Java and many scripting languages
12) if you want good tools support than the .NET langauges, Java, Smalltalk and the IDES of some Commmon Lisps will be good choices
So the answer is: "It depends"