I am trying to embed a 3rd party chart (Twist) into an HTML page. Also on the HTML page, I am using a text input to allow for a user to dynamically enter new parameters to be sent to Twist.
In javascript, I am attempting to append the text input to the end of the call to the external chart. I cannot, however, figure out how to have the returned JavaScript render in my page.
Let me be more specific... the instructions for embedding the chart are to put a tag into the html. So it would be like below, where 'paramValue' is the value passed to the 3rd party.
<script src='http://twist.flaptor.com/embed?size=large&gram=paramValue&span=168&'></script>
This works fine, but it is hard-coded to search for 'paramValue'. The script returns more javascript that gets embedded into my page and renders a chart. I am trying to make this dynamic by replacing 'paramValue' with the text input from a user. However, I cannot figure out how to send that value and also have the results rendered properly.