




I'm pretty new to Java, need to write a program that listen to video conversion instructions and convert the video once an new instruction arrives (instructions is stored in Amazon SQS, but it's irrelevant to my question)

I'm facing a choice, either use Java RunTime to exec 'ffmpeg' conversion (like from command line), or I can use a ffmpeg wrapper written inJava http://fmj-sf.net/ffmpeg-java/getting%5Fstarted.php

I'd much prefer using Java Runtime to exec ffmpeg directly, and avoid using java-ffmpeg wrapper as I have to learn the library. so my question is are there any benefits using java-ffmpeg wrapper over exec ffmpeg directly using Runtime? I don't need ffmpeg to play videos, just convert videos



The benefits of using the wrapper would be mainly that it offers more and fine-grained functionality not accessible via the command line (not relevant to you) and makes error handling and status control easier - you'll have to parse the command line tool's standard output and error streams.

Michael Borgwardt
thanks for the info
+2  A: 

If I'm not mistaken, the "ffmpeg wrapper" project you linked to is out of date and not maintained. ffmpeg is a very active project, lot's of changes and releases all the time.

You should look at the Xuggler project, this provides a Java API for what you want to do, and they have tight integration with ffmpeg.


Should you choose to go down the Runtime.exec() path, this Red5 thread should be useful:


Peter Thomas
Thanks for the info, I'll digg into xuggler, sounds interesting
just took a brief look at xuggler documentation, exactly what I need. thanks for helping!
Great. Just be aware that it is GPL, you may need a commercial license in production.
Peter Thomas
right, will look into that as well
Actually Xuggler is now LGPL (although it will be GPL if you use it with libx264)

Also, as of Xuggler 3.3, Xuggler is LGPL meaning you don't need a commercial license.


you can try jave http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/jave


You can use a simple FFmpeg wrapper java library which is lightweight and comes with all of the cross-platform ffmpeg executables pre-built.

Its under the Apache Licence 2.0 and is here: http://ivolo.mit.edu/post/Metamorph-Convert-Audio-Video-to-Any-Format-on-Windows-Linux-and-Mac.aspx
