
This line solves my problem:

(Get-Content "$aomsDir\$file") | % {$_ -replace '"', '"'} | Set-Content -path "$aomsDir\$file"

It will ensure that " is written to the config file and allows the application to connect to the database.


That would be expected for a double quote embedded in a double quote delimited attribute value. Any chance you could use a single quote instead e.g. 'e; (or is that 'e:)?

Also, you can simplify the way you load the XML to:

[xml]$config = Get-Content "$aomsDir\$file"
Keith Hill
Thanks Keithm I'll simplify the loading of the config file as you suggested. I tried using a single quot but this didn't work as the configuration was then invalid. It's working with the linq entity framework so that's whay I need " in the connection string.

I think you should access the connection strings using the System.Configuration assembly. I wrote a post on how to encrypt connection strings when building a project, using powershell: Encrypt App.config section using PowerShell as a Post-build event. You will have to adapt it since your goal is not to encrypt, but it should help you.

Thanks Philippe I'll try this and let you know how I get on.