I have two tables Settlement and Violations.SettlementID is primary Key in Settlements table and foreign key in Violations.
In my dbml file I dragged and dropped both the tables and the association is set.
In my VB.net code when I try to insert records into db it is not giving option to add values Violation collection into Settlements
I am trying to read an xml file with Settlements and Violation and insert into SQL. But only Settlement table is getting inserted with records.
I am not able to add _v to settlement s as it is not listed.
Please help
Dim Orders As XDocument = XDocument.Load("c:/inetpub/violations.xml")
Dim _Orderss = violations.<Collections>.<Settlement>
For Each _settlement In _settlements
Dim s As New Settlement
s.CamisID = _settlement.<CamisID>.Value
s.DocketID = _settlement.<DocketID>.Value
s.RespFName = _settlement.<RespFName>.Value
s.RespMName = _settlement.<RespMName>.Value
s.RespLName = _settlement.<RespLName>.Value
s.DispDate = Date.Parse(_settlement.<DispDate>.Value)
Dim _violations = _settlement.<ViolationList>.<Violation>
For Each _violation In _violations
Dim _v As New Violation
_v.DocketID = _settlement.<DocketID>.Value
_v.ViolationInfo = _violation.<ViolationInfo>.Value
_v.violationCD = _violation.<ViolationCd>.Value
_v.Severity = Integer.Parse(_violation.<Severity>.Value)
_v.Point = Integer.Parse(_violation.<Point>.Value)
_v.Occurence = Integer.Parse(_violation.<Occurence>.Value)