Create a new blank Firefox profile, accept the cert, and then use that as your profile.
Instructions here:
I realize you are using Maven, but in Ant you would:
<target name="selenium" description="Runs the QA Selenium HTML test suite">
<mkdir dir="build/reports/selenium"/>
<java jar="${selenium.dir}/selenium-server.jar" fork="true" spawn="false">
<arg value="-htmlSuite"/>
<arg value="*chrome"/>
<arg value="${selenium.browser.url}"/>
<arg value="selenium-test/testSuite.html"/>
<arg value="build/reports/selenium"/>
<arg value="-firefoxProfileTemplate"/>
<arg value="selenium-test/sslSupport"/>
<arg value="-trustAllSSLCertificates"/>
<arg value="-timeout"/>
<arg value="300000"/>
I put the Firefox profile under selenium-test/sslSupport
, selenium.dir
is where selenium is installed, and selenium.browser.url
is the URL to start the test at.