



Is it possible to be notified of key events on an application level and not on a Component level? What i mean by application level is not having a swing component receive key events but to have a special class listen to system wide key events.

This could be used in an app with no GUI for instance or when a more global handling of key events is needed.


Signals are not a universal concept, but certain signals like ctrl+c for shutdown are widespread if not used everywhere. That particular signal can be listened to using a shutdown hook. Calling Runtime.addShutdownHook(Thread) will allow you to know when the VM is being closed for whatever reason and do something on that event.

Paul Keeble

Not sure if it is possible in native Java: in Windows, you have to create a DLL to hook key events at the system (global) level, I suppose it is a different mechanism in Unix or MacOS, so you have to interface to low level system API to get this done.

is this process difficult? i have no experience with win32 programming i'm afraid.
Savvas Dalkitsis

You can add a global event listener to you application using the addAWTEventListener() method in java.awt.Toolkit.,%20long%29

Of course this will only work when your application has focus.

So for key events you could use:

public class MyGlobalKeyListener implements AWTEventListener {
    public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) {
        // do something here

// Then on startup register.
AWTEventListener myGlobalKeyListener = new MyGlobalKeyListener();

Toolkey.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(myGlobalKeyListener, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK);
hm... so what happens if i don't have a gui to gain focs in the first place?
Savvas Dalkitsis
If there is no gui then you cannot have KeyEvents from AWT. The only user input for the keyboard without a GUI comes directly from the stream which receives characters typed in the console.If you need to capture events even when your application does not have focus then I think you will need to use JNI to access operating system level hooks as suggested by PhiLho.