





I'm using the following CSS to achieve a rounded border on my DIV

border: 1px solid #999; 
border-radius: 6px; 
-ms-border-radius: 6px; 
-moz-border-radius: 6px; 
-webkit-border-radius: 6px;

But in IE 6/7/8, even though I'm including the IE specific radius, is not displaying a rounded DIV border (it's displays a square border).

Any ideas why only IE 6/7/8 doesn't display a rounded border?

+4  A: 

IE doesn't support the CSS3 border-radius property. Not sure what you saw that said it did. You can use images, javascript, or many other tricks to round corners in IE.

Gabriel Hurley
+1  A: 

There is no such thing as a "IE specific radius". Internet Explorer simply has no support for border-radius. Here's a good read on this topic:


that article is from 30 November 2007 - a bit old for CSS3
but it was obviously updated since then as evidenced by all the examples for Firefox 3.5. Besides, have you found any factual errors in it which invalidate the article?
hm, so i have to read the article an already know that firefox 3.5 is from 2009 to find out that the article was edited in 2009? that's not a source i would trust.
if you value recency over accuracy, be my guest
+2  A: 

there is no -ms-border-radius internet explorer doesn't support it.

The 'newest' thing microsoft has to say about rounded corners is this old table+images hack titled 'Staying Ahead of the Curve' ;-)

+1  A: 

IE does not support border-radius.

From IE8 Expert Zone Chat:

Chris Wilson [MS] (Expert):

Q: [9] Any plans to support CSS' border-radius, eg. -ms-border-radius:5px; ? Firefox and Safari have -khtml- and -moz- implementations which we can use to do rounded corners without images or sprites, and improve performance ie. http://preview.tinyurl.com/9y3tfn/

A: border-radius is high on the wish list, but will not be in IE8.


Internet Explorer does not support modern standards. While other browsers seem to be fighting a war on which browser supports the most standards (both Opera and Safari claimed to be the first browser that passed the Acid3 test), Microsoft doesn't care about standards, which makes it really hard for web developers to use them as still to many people use IE.

You will have to create images for the borders and add a lot of extra divs and css to get the desired effect.

Ruud v A
border-radius is not a modern standard — it is a draft feature that will probably appear in a future standard. Internet Explorer 8 has excellent support for CSS 2.1.
David Dorward
@David Dorward, They're only how many years late with CSS 2.1 support? ;-)
Gabriel Hurley
To be fair, border-radius is not part of any official specification (CSS3 is still a Working Draft). IE8 fully supports CSS 2.1. Cut MS some slack here.
http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html : IE supports not all CSS 2.1 features and I'm sure there are more.And by modern standards I mean CSS3.
Ruud v A
CSS 3 is a collection of drafts, not a standard. It might have taken Microsoft a while to implement CSS 2.1, but considering how long they spent doing nothing, it took them remarkably little time to catch up.
David Dorward
+1  A: 

While I realise that an answer's been accepted, I wanted to suggest -if you need further advice/support/guidance- that you have a look at Curvy Corners; they have a JS library with examples.

As, of course, do MooTools, albeit with a third-party (so far as I could tell) module from phat fusion. And jQuery has its own third-party corner plugin, from methvin.

David Thomas