I have a SQL query that isn't table-specific and I don't know how to handle it with Ruby On Rails.
Here my SQL query (you don't need to understand it):
SELECT type, actor_id, events.created_at, photo_id, photos.user_id FROM (SELECT 'comment' AS type, user_id AS actor_id, created_at, photo_id FROM comments UNION SELECT 'classification' AS type, user_id AS actor_id, created_at, photo_id FROM classifications) AS events INNER JOIN photos ON photo_id = photos.id WHERE user_id = #{@user.id} ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 9
I tried to create a model and use a find_by_sql:
class RecentActivity ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :type, :actor_id, :created_at, :photo_id, :user_id
I get:
Mysql::Error: Table 'mysite_development.recent_activities' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM `recent_activities`
How can I avoid this message? Is there any alternative solution?