I have heard that Twitter limits the number of API calls a third party app can make per hour. I believe the limit is around 100. My question is, does that limit apply per user, or is it 100 calls per app? 100 for the entire application seems very low, but I wanted to make sure and I couldn't find my answer in the documentation I was reading. Thanks.
The default rate limit for calls to the REST API is 150 requests per hour. The REST API does account- and IP-based rate limiting. Authenticated API calls are charged to the authenticating user's limit while unauthenticated API calls are deducted from the calling IP address' allotment.
It is 100 calls per IP or per user. and the Limit was recently increased to either 125 or 150.
If you have a Twitter Application that comes from a single IP, like a web application, you can get your IP/Account Whitelisted, allow for 10,000 calls per hour.
http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Rate-limiting contains lots of information, including this;
"The default rate limit for calls to the REST API is 150 requests per hour. The REST API does account- and IP-based rate limiting. Authenticated API calls are charged to the authenticating user's limit while unauthenticated API calls are deducted from the calling IP address' allotment."
It's most likely 100 calls per IP per hour. I doubt there's a reliable way for them to track which application is making the request.
The limit as of Oct. 8, 2009 is 150 requests per hour per ip/account. Sending tweets doesn't go against that limit.
However, you can get your ip(s) and account whitelisted, which gets you up to 20,000 requests per hour per ip/account. To do that, go to: http://twitter.com/help/request%5Fwhitelisting
Note: You MUST be in production to be whitelisted.
For those of us in beta (myself included) all is not lost as Twitter has an API to check how many requests/hour you have left for that ip/account (the api is called rate_limit_status).
(Sorry, I'd post more link but Stackoverflow won't let me...)